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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ For her, coitus releases progesterone into her system, calming her, but not taking her into sleep.
▪ In the psychosomatic sphere it might cause headaches during or because of coitus or a tendency to nausea whenever coitus was performed.
▪ Presumably the missionary position in coitus would have its dangers.
▪ They specifically described and recommended the use of coitus interruptus and other contraceptive methods in marriage.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"copulation," 1713, scientific Latin, from Latin coitus "a meeting together; sexual union," past participle of coire, from com- "together" (see co-) + ire "come, go," (see ion). In Middle English as coite (early 15c.). Used in English in general senses of "meeting, uniting," and also of magnetic force, planetary conjunction, etc., before sexual sense came to predominate.


n. The coming together of male and female sex organs, sometimes in the act of sexual procreation; the male's penis is inserted into the female's vagina, usually until orgasm and ejaculation of semen occur; copulation.


n. the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman; the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur [syn: sexual intercourse, intercourse, sex act, copulation, coition, sexual congress, congress, sexual relation, relation, carnal knowledge]


Usage examples of "coitus".

Lacerations of the urethra from urethral coitus in instances of vaginal atresia or imperforate hymen may also excite serious hemorrhage.

Mauriceau performed nymphotomy on a woman whose nymphae were so long as to render coitus difficult.

He knew she was going to Olympe for advice-the smell of the vinegar she used was a sharp, lingering fragrance in the luminous darkness-but he also knew that pessary sponges, and lambskins, and the annoyance of coitus interruptus all failed as often as they succeeded.

Gross refers to prolonged priapism, and remarks that the majority of cases seem to be due to excessive coitus.

If, on the other hand, coitus do not take place, the egg passes down to the uterus unimpregnated, loses its vitality after a short time, and is finally carried away with the uterine secretions.

Whatever the buddhi wanted, apparently it was not going to drive her to coitus with him.

Veazie relates a case of fracture of the corpora cavernosa occurring in coitus.

Boerhaave, Pare, and Fabricius Hildanus all speak of this untoward effect of venery, and in modern times Poncet has made observations at a hospital in Lyons which prove that during the process of healing wounds are unduly and harmfully influenced by coitus, and cites confirmatory instances.

Had she not destroyed the young boy, the American, in her fury at his intrusion, the coitus interruptus of her vision on the road?

And instead of testing those skills to the limit, the Hauptmann was sitting half-drunk, very tired, and in a state of aggravated coitus interruptus in a truck at the head of a column of three other trucks, one hundred men in all, on the way to sort out a bit of local difficulty in Martigny, on pain of transfer to the Russian Front.

What about Germaine Greer's sudden championship of motherhood, chastity and coitus interruptus?

One of her least favorite aspects of being a park ranger was coitus interruptus.

From kitchen to living room to shower, it was one of the great displays of coitus interruptus and then Remo made it non-interruptus as he finished shagging her on the hard, unyielding mattress of the four poster bed in her enormous bedroom, with the blue velvet-striped wallpaper on one wall.

Out of mischievousness, she had the widow discover the two and demand coitus interruptus.

She was well in the lead in the office daily Getting People Out of the Bath stakes, and only needed two more points to win the weekly Coitus Interruptus award.