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vb. (present participle of cocoon English)


n. retreating to the seclusion of your home (as for privacy or escape)


Cocooning is the name given to the trend that sees individuals socializing less and retreating into their home more. The term was coined in the 1990s by Faith Popcorn, a trend forecaster and marketing consultant:

Cocooning has been in our bank for thirty years. That's how early we discovered cocooning, and cocooning is about staying home, creating a safe place around you, the gardeners being the barrier, between the garden and the alarm systems being the barrier, filtration systems for water and air, working at home (...) every inch of it you have, you have some of this (...) how many days can I work at home? That's cocooning.

Popcorn identified cocooning as a commercially significant trend that would lead to, among other things, stay-at-home electronic shopping. Since Popcorn coined the term, the trend has continued. The creation of the internet, home entertainment technology, advances in communication technology ( cellphones, PDAs, and smartphones) which allow "work-at-home" options, and demographic changes have made cocooning an increasingly attractive option. If a reasonable amount of progress has been made when one is cocooning, one may expect the subject to have a breakthrough and emerge like a butterfly to enjoy life.

Cocooning (immunization)

Cocooning, also known as the Cocoon Strategy, is a vaccination strategy that has been recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States since 2006. It aims to protect newborn infants from becoming infected with pertussis by administering DTaP/Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis) booster vaccine to mothers, family members and any individuals who would come into regular contact with the newborn infant. By vaccinating these individuals with a pertussis booster a pool of persons is established around the newborn who are themselves protected from getting pertussis and passing it on to the infant, thereby creating a "cocoon" of protection around the newborn. Young infants have the highest rate of pertussis; in 87-100% of all deaths caused by pertussis, the victim is an infant of less than 6 months of age.

Cocooning (aircraft)

Cocooning is the practice of coating stored equipment or machinery (typically aircraft) for protection.

Usage examples of "cocooning".

She would find tangles of serpents and guide them up the great river to the cocooning grounds.

The Elderlings had chosen that site for the city so that they might be close to the dragons' cocooning grounds.

But, she reminded herself fiercely, Frengong had not been the only cocooning beach.

She might no longer recognize the lay of the land, but the Elderlings had built cities of their own near the cocooning beaches.

Even if we could find the river to the cocooning grounds, there is no one to help us make our casts.

Her commands to the tangle often made no sense, and her promises to lead them safely to a cocooning place always began with "soon.

But who is the silver creature that we should tarry to do her bidding while our cocooning season escapes us?

For him to sail me back to the Rain Wild River, as swiftly as possible, and up it to the cocooning grounds.

The cocooning banks were far upriver, beyond the reach of a ship of her draft, but Ophelia was an adept meddler and an avid listener.

It had tormented Paragon that he could not witness the cocooning of the serpents.

They were old and immense, for - and again, I speculate, Fitz - for whatever cataclysm that had destroyed the adult dragons had changed the world enough to prevent the serpents from returning to their cocooning grounds.

He had awaited them, often going without food for fear they would arrive and find no dragons to help them spin their cocoons from the black sand of the cocooning beach and their own saliva.

Maulkin had confided to them the hope that when they reached the river and migrated up to the cocooning grounds, even the most bestial might feel the stir of memories.

They must puzzle out for themselves which river led to the cocooning grounds.

Beyond the islands was the mainland, and in the mainland was the mouth of the river that led to the cocooning grounds.