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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
cocoa butter
▪ Because of these shortages, much research has been undertaken to produce a fat with cocoa butter properties.
▪ I gave her a jar of home-made skin cream containing almond oil, cocoa butter and rosewater to soften her skin.
▪ It is the percentage content of cocoa butter that dictates the quality of the chocolates that you buy.
▪ Purists and protectionists had insisted that only products made from cocoa butter were worthy of the name.
▪ While the work of Prof Harwood is valuable, cocoa butter is not responsible for the popularity of chocolate.
cocoa butter

n. The fat that is extracted from the cocoa bean to make chocolate; it has a relatively sharp melting point so does not feel greasy when eaten.

cocoa butter
  1. n. a yellow-white fat from cocoa beans

  2. the vegetable fat from the cacao that is extracted from chocolate liquor; the basis for white chocolate

Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter, also called theobroma oil, is a pale-yellow, edible vegetable fat extracted from the cocoa bean. It is used to make chocolate, as well as some ointments, toiletries, and pharmaceuticals. Cocoa butter has a cocoa flavor and aroma. Its best known attribute is its melting point just below human body temperature.

Usage examples of "cocoa butter".

No amount of glamour could hide the smell of cocoa butter, liquor, and cigarette smoke in her hair and skin.

She leaned forward until I could smell the cocoa butter from her skin and the harsh rum on her breath.

At least he was back in uniform and no longer reeked of cocoa butter.

These dragons of this tiny Eden were the reason it had yet to be trammeled by humanity in the form of coolers full of beer and sunbathers slathered with cocoa butter.

Well, she only had two silvery thin lines, and she'd just bet when it was Rena's turn she'd beg for the cocoa butter recipe.