Crossword clues for closeness
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Closeness \Close"ness\, n. The state of being close.
Half stifled by the closeness of the room.
We rise not against the piercing judgment of Augustus,
nor the extreme caution or closeness of Tiberius.
An affectation of closeness and covetousness.
Syn: Narrowness; oppressiveness; strictness; secrecy; compactness; conciseness; nearness; intimacy; tightness; stinginess; literalness.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
mid-15c., "confined condition," from close (adj.) + -ness. Meaning "stuffiness" (of air) is from 1590s; meaning "nearness" is from 1716.
n. 1 The state of being physically close 2 The state of being friends 3 The state of being mean or stingy 4 The state of being secretive 5 (context mathematics English) The shortest path between two vertices in a graph 6 (context archaic English) solitude, seclusion
n. a feeling of being intimate and belonging together; "their closeness grew as the night wore on" [syn: intimacy]
the spatial property resulting from a relatively small distance; "the sudden closeness of the dock sent him into action" [syn: nearness] [ant: farness]
extreme stinginess [syn: meanness, minginess, niggardliness, niggardness, parsimony, parsimoniousness, tightness, tightfistedness]
characterized by a lack of openness (especially about one's actions or purposes) [syn: secretiveness] [ant: openness]
close or warm friendship; "the absence of fences created a mysterious intimacy in which no one knew privacy" [syn: familiarity, intimacy]
Closeness may refer to:
- closeness (mathematics)
- closeness (graph theory), the shortest path between one vertex and another vertex
- the personal distance between two people in proxemics
- Social connectedness
- Closeness (album), a 1976 album by Charlie Haden
Closeness is a basic concept in topology and related areas in mathematics. Intuitively we say two sets are close if they are arbitrarily near to each other. The concept can be defined naturally in a metric space where a notion of distance between elements of the space is defined, but it can be generalized to topological spaces where we have no concrete way to measure distances.
Note the difference between closeness, which describes the relation between two sets, and closedness, which describes a single set.
The closure operator closes a given set by mapping it to a closed set which contains the original set and all points close to it. The concept of closeness is related to limit point.
Closeness is an album of duets by bassist Charlie Haden recorded in 1976 and released on the Horizon label.
Usage examples of "closeness".
Despite the closeness of their birth dates, their aesthetics belong to two different eras in the novels history.
Perhaps it was the warmth of the room, or simply the closeness of so many bodies, but I dreamed vividly and erotically, the tides of arousal washing me now and then near to the shores of wakefulness, then once more carrying me out into the deeps of unconsciousness.
It was this closeness in the sound of Terran and Dominionite names that allowed the Time Agents to retain so close an approximation of their own, as all preferred to do whenever possible.
Celia resented their closeness, felt that Elson was robbing her and their children of his affection.
Brown to veil, as far as he was able, the vivacity of his looks beneath an expression of open and unheeding good-nature, an expression strangely enough contrasting with the closeness and sagacity which Nature had indelibly stamped upon features pointed, aquiline, and impressed with a strong mixture of the Judaical physiognomy.
He was Major Ray Kerman, and these Arabs were foreign to him, though their closeness did jolt a certain recall of stories told to him by the bearded Saudi in the North London mosque a quarter of a century ago.
The major clapped Luis on the back, celebrating his own closeness to danger and his survival in the graces of this little SS captain.
Some of the words she used betrayed her closeness to daemonic and palaeogean traditions.
The closeness and bitterness of the struggle over ratification and the conferring of additional powers on the central government can scarcely be exaggerated.
Murphy, semidomesticated and enjoying her closeness to Harry, had no desire to see the nondomesticated animals killed.
He ignored the sensations that attacked him the pressing closeness, the imagined whispers, the discomfiting deadness Snd kept his concentration focused on putting one foot in front of the other.
By mutual agreement they had also made the decision to exclude Sarah from their confabs, feeling that her sudden closeness to Jonathan was suspicious.
All children born to the same woman were siblings, but only children of the same sex referred to each other with the more intimate term of brother or sister, and then only when they were young or in rare moments of special closeness.
He whirled once, swiftly, panic causing his heart to race, for there in the closeness of the engineering spaces his fully alerted senses had given him a false signal of movement where there was only vacuum, and space-discolored bulkheads and stripped-down machinery.
The orphanage had found him a bedsitter in the house of a friendly and tight-knit family, and their very closeness towards each other had made him feel even more the intruder.