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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Clathrate \Clath"rate\ (kl[a^]th"r[asl]t), a. [L. clathri lattice, Gr. klh,qra.]

  1. (Bot.) Shaped like a lattice; cancellate.

  2. (Zo["o]l.) Having the surface marked with raised lines resembling a lattice, as many shells.


a. 1 (context biology English) having a lattice-like structure 2 (context chemistry English) of an inclusion complex in which molecules of one compound are enclosed within the crystal structure of another n. (context chemistry English) a clathrate compound

  1. adj. having a latticelike structure pierced with holes or windows [syn: cancellate, cancellated]

  2. designating or relating to a compound in which one component is physically enclosed within the crystal structure of another


Usage examples of "clathrate".

And occasionally we find a small pockets of clathrates in the permanight fissures.

If they simply disturbed the clathrates sufficiently, they could start a release, which might then sufficiently lower the pressure to cause a greater release, entraining more and more clathrates as they rise to the surface.

At the temperatures of the deep ocean, around four Celsius, methane clathrates are solids.