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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cancellate \Can"cel*late\, a. [L. cancellatus, p. p. of cancellare, See Cancel, v. t.]

  1. (Bot.) Consisting of a network of veins, without intermediate parenchyma, as the leaves of certain plants; latticelike.

  2. (Zo["o]l.) Having the surface coveres with raised lines, crossing at right angles.


a. 1 (context botany English) Consisting of a network of veins, without intermediate parenchyma; lattice-like. 2 (context zoology English) Having the surface covered with raised lines, crossing at right angles.

  1. adj. having a latticelike structure pierced with holes or windows [syn: cancellated, clathrate]

  2. having an open or latticed or porous structure [syn: cancellated, cancellous]

Usage examples of "cancellate".

Cancellate le cicatrici delle vostre catene, spianate le rughe che la miseria impresse sulla vostra fronte, non dimenticate ringhiose!