classroom activities
▪ He didn't really take part in classroom activities.
classroom observation (=observation of a teacher and children in a classroom)
▪ Classroom observation is only part of what school inspectors do.
teaching/classroom aids
▪ teaching aids and resources
▪ In addition to subject-specific language needs, teachers need to be aware of the situation-specific linguistic demands made upon young learners in primary classrooms.
▪ It is to the changed world of the primary classroom that I shall now turn.
▪ Furthermore, one way of saving money has been to allow larger classes, with severe overcrowding in some urban primary classrooms.
▪ The problem of time in primary classrooms does not arise solely from external pressures.
▪ The project is gathering information about the way understanding is achieved through the construction of shared meanings in primary classroom interactions.
▪ In many primary classrooms, teachers introduce a new topic by means of a discussion with the whole class.
▪ Social interaction Microcomputers are now commonplace in primary classrooms.
▪ In the long run, this less obvious influence of miscue analysis may cause great change in the primary classroom.
▪ The story of her campaign to get Jacob put back in the regular classroom sums up the entire battle.
▪ The use of special education materials in regular classroom settings. 4.
▪ Where in the regular classroom, there was no way the teacher would help him.
▪ Principals at individual schools could hire those teachers but would have to cut regular classroom positions to do it.
▪ The crucial point is that such expressions should be warranted by conceptual and communicative purposes recognized as having point in classroom activity.
▪ They can work with teachers in high schools and colleges to improve their understanding of the workplace and to support classroom activities.
▪ Video can now be used mainly as a source of information and as a stimulus to classroom activity such as debate and discussion.
▪ Discipline comes from enticing and exciting classroom activity and a genuine commitment to the classroom as a community.
▪ Only when it is actualized through classroom activity can it have an effect on learning.
▪ She wrote: Philip presents as a compliant and willing participant in classroom activities.
▪ Indeed, if necessary, it can be integrated into other classroom activities.
▪ This book explains the relevant theory and related it to classroom activities designed to improve students' discourse skills.
▪ A particular priority is research on classroom interaction in multiethnic and multilingual classrooms. 10.
▪ The project is gathering information about the way understanding is achieved through the construction of shared meanings in primary classroom interactions.
▪ Like explanations, questions figure prominently in classroom interactions.
▪ The nature of classroom interaction is one factor which may affect children's ability to cope with explanations in the classroom.
▪ Research into classroom interaction has not focused directly on children's explanations.
▪ What kinds of classroom interaction, then, are most likely to provide conditions for effective learning?
▪ Classroom management for the use of computers A new style of classroom management may be required when using computers in history teaching.
▪ This sense of self-responsibility does not lead to a set formula of classroom management at Fratney.
▪ The introduction of National Curriculum History will have an impact on teachers' methodologies and on classroom management techniques.
▪ Video did reveal insights into teaching practice although these insights tended to be limited to issues of classroom management.
▪ The research methods will include classroom observation, interviews with teachers and analysis of curriculum documents and of other support.
▪ One extremely useful diagnostic technique is classroom observation by psychologists and / or educators familiar with the disorder.
▪ Some element of classroom observation and practice is included and is important for illustrative purposes.
▪ The design involves repeated testing of the extent of the children's literacy and numeracy, and classroom observation of the children.
▪ In the first stage the Support for Learning Group would identify and publish the criteria to guide classroom observations.
▪ Follow-up interviews, case studies and classroom observation are also planned.
▪ Warden: We as a centre have been developing our skills ... in that area of classroom observation.
▪ There are also extensive entries on classroom practice, teaching methods, the language laboratory and the psychology of learning.
▪ It sought continually to encourage teachers to reevaluate classroom practice - both in curriculum content and methodology.
▪ Nor did everyone see the need for an update on current classroom practice.
▪ What they write can also make a difference to the way the legal plans for the curriculum are translated into classroom practice.
▪ The desire is rarely reflected in classroom practice.
▪ How many of them led to changes in classroom practice?
▪ Details of different methods of using the program and examples of classroom practice will be helpful.
▪ To the outside observer, there has been considerable change in classroom practice within this maths department.
▪ I enclose the completed form that you mentioned for hire of the school classroom for Parish Council meetings.
▪ Communityor work-based learning does not mean converting every elementary school classroom into a simulated supermarket or bank.
▪ In the mosque compound, families are crammed into school classrooms and closets.
▪ Their attitudes, values, habits of learning are ever-present in a school classroom.
▪ The close relationship maintained by the consultant in instructional media use with the classroom teacher. 2.
▪ In both cases these programmes were taught under real life conditions, by ordinary classroom teachers.
▪ It was sink or swim as a classroom teacher.
▪ The classroom teacher may devise new ways of teaching which make life easier contribute as much as possible to their culture.
▪ One was a group of classroom teachers and curriculum specialists; the other included business leaders and school administrators.
▪ The projects were tested under real life conditions by classroom teachers operating within the normal constraints of teaching.
▪ The use of a national access network to deliver materials and services to classroom teachers and library media specialists. 2.
▪ It rests on a readiness on the part of practitioners to pursue their own enquiries in the very process of classroom teaching.
▪ The biggest danger of Mr MacGregor's decision is that he perpetuates a system that fails to reward good classroom teaching.
▪ This may well mean developing the range of presentational skills which have been part and parcel of effective classroom teaching for generations.
▪ Is there any extra money for classroom use through Compact?
▪ Reports go into the computer, to be printed, bound, and, in effect, published for classroom use.
▪ All the activities in the Resource Books can be photocopied for classroom use.
▪ The use of simple equipment to produce teacher-made instructional materials for classroom use. 4.
▪ Designed principally for classroom use but can be used for self-study.
▪ The present store area within the Exhibition Hall should be freed to allow for conversion to classroom use.
▪ This does not mean that these procedures can not be adapted to classroom use.
▪ The earlier materials were almost all produced for television broadcast as well as classroom use.
▪ All of this uses video to introduce variety and interest to classroom work.
▪ They show us the type of daily classroom work that takes students beyond mere coverage and passivity.
▪ Contacts between the area staff and the students were not limited to formal classroom work and occasional formally ordained informal contact.
▪ It is envisaged that much of the assessment will be done by teachers as an integral part of their normal classroom work.
▪ They spend a week doing classroom work and hands-on training.
▪ First School students and Junior students pursue separate courses, as they prepare specifically for classroom work.
▪ In addition to environmental work, 11 students are attending Bidston Village Primary School every week to assist teachers in classroom work.
▪ Inside the ruined and deserted school building, the classroom walls are still adorned with a series of moral slogans.
▪ Up to this point we have considered the process of building communities within classrooms.
▪ The school is a breeze-block building containing three classrooms.
▪ Perhaps it seems simple to Marcia, but working to build community in a classroom is anything but simple in many schools.
▪ They are used to keep track of what happens in the classrooms and at the front desk.
▪ However, it will not necessarily change what happens in the classroom, which girls can find so discouraging.
▪ And the focus needs to be, above all, on what happens in the classroom.
▪ The key questions are: What is actually happening in this classroom?
▪ Video also creates the opportunity to observe a wider range of teacher personalities, teaching styles, classroom conditions and learning needs.
▪ The ability to relate theoretical aspects of the program development to practical teaching application in classrooms and library media centers. 5.
▪ The clinical teacher must also be involved in planning timetables, since she is often required to teach in the classroom.
▪ Putting into practice what has been taught in the classroom, Fiona strides in.
▪ Teachers often have to buy supplies to be used in classroom activities.
▪ Already, around 250, 000 would-be students have been turned away because the fees are too high or classrooms too small.
▪ But hey, students will be in the classroom a whopping 13 minutes more a day.
▪ But teachers in the classroom argue that both methods have to be used side by side.
▪ She offers a persuasive and very interesting hypothesis, as yet unsubstantiated, to which classroom research could usefully be directed.
▪ The children in the formal classrooms were taught in a traditional way by teachers who were backed by decades of formality.
▪ The preview and evaluation of instructional materials through classroom use. 5.
▪ There was the air, in the classroom, of adults engaged in a collaborative exercise.
▪ This week, Nakamura and the others are spending at least 10 hours a day in classroom studies.