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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Clapperclaw \Clap"per*claw\ (kl[a^]p"p[~e]r*kl[add]), v. t.

  1. To fight and scratch.
    --C. Smart.

  2. To abuse with the tongue; to revile; to scold.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"to fight at arm's length with the hands and nails," 1590s, from clap (v.) + claw (v.). Related: Clapperclawed; clapperclawing.


vb. 1 (context obsolete English) To fight and scratch. 2 (context obsolete English) To abuse with words; to revile; to scold.

  1. v. claw with the nails

  2. use foul or abusive language towards; "The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket"; "The angry mother shouted at the teacher" [syn: abuse, blackguard, shout]

Usage examples of "clapperclaw".

Hear, I say, and all will learn of the justice imposed by Lord Emmence upon the clapperclaw Flary the Red!