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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Clam \Clam\ (cl[a^]m), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Clammed; p. pr. & vb. n. Clamming.] [Cf. AS. cl[ae]man to clam, smear; akin to Icel. kleima to smear, OHG. kleimjan, chleimen, to defile, or E. clammy.] To clog, as with glutinous or viscous matter.

A swarm of wasps got into a honey pot, and there they cloyed and clammed Themselves till there was no getting out again.


vb. (present participle of clam English)


See clam

  1. v. gather clams, by digging in the sand by the ocean

  2. [also: clamming, clammed]

  1. n. burrowing marine mollusk living on sand or mud

  2. a piece of paper money worth one dollar [syn: dollar, dollar bill, one dollar bill, buck]

  3. flesh of either hard-shell or soft-shell clams

  4. [also: clamming, clammed]

Usage examples of "clamming".

Tied up at the end was a tired old clamming boat, its rusting tongs hanging from a deck boom like the claws of some freakish animal.

A few minutes later he and Giordino were lifted onto the deck of the old clamming boat.

Then he panned along the entire length of the clamming boat, holding for a few seconds on each member of the crew.

He took the clamming equipment to his truck, but Isobel hovered behind, quite near tears.

Web mentioned this, and then wandered into a tale of clamming with his mother when he was a youngster, and from there to other tales of his childhood.

Anything rarely joined in conversation, but he would sometimes talk quietly with Halloweenie, always clamming up if anyone else came near.

Because Cashel intended to go out clamming in the inlet later, he hadn't dragged the dinghy up the beach after he and Aria returned from rowing practice.