n. (plural of cicala English)
Usage examples of "cicalas".
There are twelve towns well peopled, the homes of an ancient race, the children of Kekrops the serpent king, the son of Mother Earth, who wear gold cicalas among the tresses of their golden hair.
One strived with listening ear to catch some tidings of that forest world within - some stirring of beasts, some night-bird’s scream, but all was quite hushed, except the voice of the cicalas that peopled every bough, and filled the depths of the forest through and through, with one same hum everlasting - more stifling than very silence.
But when the cicalas had hushed their chirping, all were mustered again for supper.
The husbandmen were all gone from the fields by reason of the heat, and indeed there had come none to work that day in the neighbourhood of the tower, for that all were employed in threshing their corn beside their cottages: wherefore she heard but the cicalas, while Arno, tantalizing her with the sight of his waters, increased rather than diminished her thirst.
In sun-baked vines the cicalas spin, The little green lizards run out and in.
Round him were set his peers, as Panthous, Antenor, and Agenor, hardly grey, Scarce touch'd as yet with age, nor garrulous As are cicalas on a sunny day: Such might they be when years had slipp'd away, And made them over-weak for war or joy, Content to watch the Leaguer as it lay Beside the ships, beneath the walls of Troy.