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chorus frog

n. any of several small North American frogs having a loud call

Chorus frog

Pseudacris (commonly known as the chorus frogs) is a genus of frogs in the family Hylidae found in North America ranging from the Pacific coastline to the Atlantic.

The name of the genus comes from the Greek pseudes (false) and akris ( locust), probably a reference to the repeated rasping trill of most chorus frogs, which is similar to that of the insect. It could also mean ‘false Acris’, distinguishing it from another frog genus.

Chorus frog (disambiguation)

The chorus frog (Pseudacris) is a genus of frogs in the Hylidae family found in North America ranging from the Pacific coastline to the Atlantic.

Chorus frog may also refer to:

  • Annam chorus frog (Microhyla annamensis)), a frog in the Microhylidae family found in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam
  • Berdmore's chorus frog (Microhyla berdmorei), a frog in the Microhylidae family found in eastern India, Bangladesh, southernmost China (Yunnan), Mainland Southeast Asia as well as Borneo and Sumatra
  • Bornean chorus frog (''Microhyla borneensis), a frog in the Microhylidae family found in the Matang Range in Sarawak, Borneo
  • Javan chorus frog (Microhyla achatina), a frog in the Microhylidae family found in Java
  • Ornate chorus frog (Asia) (Microhyla fissipes), a frog in the Microhylidae family found in East and Southeast Asia, from southern and central China and Taiwan to the Malay Peninsula
  • Painted chorus frog (Microhyla butleri), a frog in the Microhylidae family found in India, Myanmar, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore
  • Palmated chorus frog (Microhyla palmipes), a frog in the Microhylidae family found in Indonesia and Malaysia