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a. (en-comparative of: choppy)


See choppy

  1. adj. rough with small waves; "choppy seas"

  2. [also: choppiest, choppier]

Usage examples of "choppier".

The moon was a mere crescent sliver, hardly giving any light at all, and as they sailed they ran into choppier seas and heavier clouds, and the night grew black as pitch.

He knew that Deudermont did not want to turn to the north, where the wind was less predictable and the waters choppier and colder, but he understood that they had little choice at this point.

The latter were choppier, but far smaller and the ship rode over them with a graceful dip and yaw that was easy enough to compensate for.

The closer Jake came to the heart of it, the shorter and choppier his sentences became.