n. 1 A Jewish food made by frying liver and onions in schmaltz. 2 (context idiomatic English) A person or object which is not worthy of being noticed; someone or something insignificant.
Chopped liver is a spread popular in Jewish cuisine but also found in the traditional local cuisine of Berlin, Germany.
It is often made by sautéing or broiling liver and onions, adding hard-boiled eggs, salt and pepper, and grinding that mixture. The quintessential fat used is schmaltz, but different methods and materials exist, and the exact process and ingredients may vary from chef to chef.
Chopped liver is a common menu item in kosher delicatessens in Britain, Canada, the U.S., and South Africa. Chopped liver is often served with rye bread as sandwiches.
The liver used is generally calf, beef, or chicken. Shortening or oil is often substituted for the schmaltz.
Usage examples of "chopped liver".
She dined on chopped liver, courtesy of the management, and had her own cat bed and litter box, both guaranteed sterilised - so said the paper band around each of them, like the one around the toilet seat in my bathroom.
Both of them flew down from the screen, narrowly missing the two heads on the sofa, and landed on the cocktail table, scattering drinks, nuts, coasters, and chopped liver.
Bertie stopped and watched him, and as he walked toward the hospital, he took his chopped liver sandwich out of the bag, unwrapped it with the hand that wasn't holding the bag, and took a bite out of it as he walked along.
Just in case Sherry Hawkinfield's plane landed, he put in a supply of cashew nuts, crackers, and a chopped liver canape spread.
Somehow Profane managed to get frozen strawberries in the French dressing and chopped liver in the Waldorf salad, plus accidentally dropping two dozen or so radishes in the French fryer (though these drew raves from the customers when he served them anyway, too lazy to go after more) From time to time the Brazilian would come charging through the kitchen crying.
Two elderly couples bent over soup, one young, bewigged Orthodox Jewish mother corralled five kids under the age of seven, and a Mexican weight lifter in bicycle tightsand a sleeveless sweatshirt trained on chopped liver and a rye heel and a pitcher of iced tea.
But what arrived in the chron-trans chamber generally resembled several pounds of chopped liver.