n. A confection having a center of ganache and an outer coating of powdered cocoa or chocolate.
n. creamy chocolate candy [syn: truffle]
A chocolate truffle is a type of chocolate confectionery, traditionally made with a chocolate ganache centre coated in chocolate, cocoa powder or chopped toasted nuts (typically hazelnuts, almonds or coconut), usually in a spherical, conical, or curved shape.
Their name derives from their traditional shape, which resembles the truffle, an edible part of the tuber fungus.
Usage examples of "chocolate truffle".
The Copelands had begun already to fantasize about distant foods, Drake drooling over ice cream of the rich premium variety, huge heaping goblets of rum raisin and pralines 'n' cream, the greater the butterfat content the better, Amanda lost in a chocolate truffle reverie, thin sculpted shells of creme fraiche and gin and Grand Marnier and liquid cherries and raspberry puree, imagined tastes the sweetest.
He straightened the bedclothes and laid a wrapped chocolate truffle on each pillow, a goodnight blessing.
Paul Barrillon had a look on his face as if he were sucking on a chocolate truffle and didn’.
Like a chocolate truffle rolled across a plate of drawing pins, cubes, globes, ziggurats and rings sprouted in all directions from the mountain of reconstructed lunar material.