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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Chisel \Chis"el\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Chiseled, or Chiselled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Chiseling, or Chiselling.] [Cf. F. ciseler.]

  1. To cut, pare, gouge, or engrave with a chisel; as, to chisel a block of marble into a statue.

  2. To cut close, as in a bargain; to cheat. [Slang]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"having sharp outlines," 1821, figurative past participle adjective from chisel (v.).

  1. 1 (context US of a face English) Having strongly defined facial features. 2 (context of a physique English) Having well-developed muscles with minimal bodyfat. alt. (context US English) (en-past of: chisel) v

  2. (context US English) (en-past of: chisel)


adj. having a clean and distinct outline as if precisely cut along the edges; "a finely chiseled nose"; "well-defined features" [syn: well-defined]

Usage examples of "chiseled".

Without the roundness of her cheeks to balance them her dark blue eyes became huge in her face and underneath them her high, chiseled cheekbones gave her an almost Eastern quality.

She was almost dazed when she found herself looking directly at the chiseled strength of his lips, and she wondered with raw hunger if his mouth would be firm or soft, if he would taste as heady as he looked.

Almost blindly she looked at him, compelling herself to concentrate on what he was saying, but the movement of those chiseled lips was even more enticing than the scent of him.

Burning color had flared on his high, chiseled cheekbones, and his tongue edged along his lower lip in an unconscious move, as if he was already tasting her sweetness.

Despite the chiseled perfection of his face, there was nothing effeminate about him.

Max noticed her eyelids drooping again, and a smile tugged at his chiseled lips.

The lean, chiseled planes of his face had stunned her anew, and underlying that was the memory of how he'd looked in the throes of passion, his hair damp with sweat, his eyes burning in his taut face.

That mouth was firm and strong, with a finely chiseled upper lip that hinted of determination and perhaps even ruthlessness, while his lower lip curved with disturbing sensuality.

The high, chiseled cheekbones and thin, hawk-bridged nose could have come from any of those bloodlines, but he was definitely from the huge American melting pot.

She turned her head and looked at Ben, at the hard, chiseled features.

It wasn't just his tall, superbly muscled body or the chiseled perfection of his face, but the aura surrounding him.

Half his face was in shadow, but the scant light gleamed on the slant of one high, chiseled cheekbone, revealed the strong cut of his jaw, played along a mouth that was as clearly defined as that of an ancient Greek statue.

She saw the dense black eyelashes, the bold sweep of his eyebrows, the thin and arrogantly high bridge of bis nose, the chiseled plane of his cheekbones.

Complete maturity had refined her face so that high, chiseled cheekbones had been revealed, and her almond-shaped, whiskey-colored eyes were exotic.

He kept rediscovering the angles of those chiseled cheekbones, seeing anew the golden lights in her whiskey-colored eyes.