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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Black and white vinyl tiles can look particularly effective, and hardboard or chipboard, painted or varnished, make cheap cover-ups.
▪ Flooring-grade chipboard can also be used to completely replace badly worn or damaged boards.
▪ Further, it was clear that the supports and chipboard floor could also have been removed.
▪ Incidentally, I telephoned Harrods to enquire what their cheapest chipboard coffin would be, to which the answer was £190!
▪ This chipboard was by now, quite elderly and soft.
▪ Try spider plants, as they absorb formaldehyde, which is found in synthetic carpets, underlay, chipboard and wood treatments.
▪ Wood is expensive, so my solution was cheap chipboard, resting on battens nailed to the wall.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

hardboard \hard"board`\ n. a cheap hard material made from wood chips that are pressed together and bound with synthetic resin to form sheets, used in construction and various other purposes; -- called also particle board and chipboard.

Syn: chipboard.


chipboard \chipboard\ n. a cheap hard material made from wood chips that are pressed together and bound with synthetic resin.

Syn: hardboard.


n. A building material made from wood chips compressed and bound with synthetic resin.


n. a cheap hard material made from wood chips that are pressed together and bound with synthetic resin [syn: hardboard]


Chipboard may refer to:

  • A type of paperboard generally made from reclaimed paper stock; the term generally used in the US
    • White lined chipboard, a grade of paperboard
  • Particle board, a type of engineered wood known as "chipboard" in some countries

Usage examples of "chipboard".

It somehow managed to look both modern and Gothic, the Gothic winning out atmospherically, in spite of the stack of cut drywall in the far corner, and the cheap, chipboard ceiling.

If I coughed or sneezed, or as much as knocked the chipboard with my elbow as I slid down into the safer hiding place, they would hear me.

The small chipboard door opened in the basement wall and a troll-like man of around sixty looked out.

Africa, compressed into the requisite shape, backed by chipboard, and finished by screen-colouring and wiring.

The windows were completely covered with thick chipboard, nailed into their frames on the inside.

She tried again, with a fork this time, first inserting the prongs under the chipboard, then, when that proved useless, the thicker handle end.

But she could not thrust the fork under the chipboard far enough to get any leverage.

She climbed back up onto the draining-board, and felt the edge of the chipboard carefully.

The shops are notable for their meanness: an off licence where potential customers have to ring the bell to be admitted, a dry cleaners with broken wooden louvres above the door and a second hand shop in which battered office desks and chipboard furniture are piled against the glass.

There is a cloying smell from the jars and bottles crowding the top of the chipboard dressing table.

Joanne looks with distaste on the tables of second-hand books and the displays of chipboard furniture and cheap clothing.

The autumn sun shines mercilessly on dented filing cabinets and the curling veneer on chipboard desks.

SingIe-frequency, and the innards were positively neolithic, hand-assembled transistors and chipboards salvaged from imported consumer electronics.

There was a light scaffold being erected, creating what looked like a platform, even a stage, plus more chipboards, perhaps for concession stands.

I laid on exactly the cover for you that was requested-you're Canadian, timber-salesman, been down here sounding out a new pulp contract, recommended to Energetics General by your parent firm, looking for a supplier of plastic glue for bonding chipboard, staying with me at Lakonia because we're very eager to close that deal.