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chili dog

n. A hot dog topped with chili con carne.

chili dog

n. a hotdog with chili con carne on it

Chili dog

Chili dog is the generic name for a hot dog served in a bun and topped with some sort of meat sauce, such as chili con carne. Often other toppings are also added, such as cheese, onions, and mustard. The style has multiple regional variations in the United States, many calling for specific and unique sauce ingredients, types of hot dogs, or types of buns and referred to regionally under region-specific names.

Usage examples of "chili dog".

Ukiah finished the second chili dog and the last of the root beer.

And then she'd dump this jerk back into his chili dog palace, and get on with it.

Trader was perched over his keyboard and eating a chili dog that one of his assistants had brought him for a snack.

Maybe he was feeling the aftermath of a chili dog from the Dairee Dee-Lishus.

Kemmings drove downtown for a chili dog at Charlie Joseph's, Le Boi Loan came into the Pet Emporium.

His breakfast was a giant chili dog, with everything on it, and a bottle of lime-flavored Perrier.

Told her they were going to an industrial league softball tournament across town, and she could get a chili dog when they got there.