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n. (context mineral English) A rare hydrated phosphate mineral with the chemical formula (Fe,Mn)AlPO4(OH)2•H2O, brown or yellow in colour with a vitreous lustre.


Childrenite is a rare hydrated phosphate mineral with elements iron, manganese, aluminium, phosphorus, oxygen and hydrogen. Its chemical formula is (Fe,Mn)AlPO(OH) • HO and it has a molecular weight of 229.83 g/mol. Its specific gravity is 3.2 and it has a Mohs hardness of 4.5 to 5. It is usually translucent and non- fluorescent, with imperfect cleavage. It has a vitreous lustre with a white streak, and is brown or yellow in color. It has a conchoidal, uneven fracture, and an orthorhombic crystal system.