n. (context chemistry English) the fragmentation of any compound into elements or smaller compounds smaller
Chemical decomposition, analysis or breakdown is the separation of a chemical compound into elements or simpler compounds. It is sometimes defined as the exact opposite of a chemical synthesis. Chemical decomposition is often an undesired chemical reaction. The stability that a chemical compound ordinarily has is eventually limited when exposed to extreme environmental conditions like heat, radiation, humidity or the acidity of a solvent. The details of decomposition processes are generally not well defined, as a molecule may break up into a host of smaller fragments. Chemical decomposition is exploited in several analytical techniques, notably mass spectrometry, traditional gravimetric analysis, and thermogravimetric analysis.
A broader definition of the term decomposition also includes the breakdown of one phase into two or more phases.
There are three broad types of decomposition reactions: thermal, electrolytic and catalytic.
Usage examples of "chemical decomposition".
Elementary metacreative tricks include such things as producing flames or lights through the chemical decomposition of organic or atmospheric molecules.