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Chaco may refer to:

Chaco (Paraguay)

The Paraguayan Chaco or Región Occidental (Western Region) is a semi-arid region in Paraguay, with a very low population density. The area is being rapidly deforested. Consisting of more than 60% of Paraguay´s land area, but with less than 2% of the population, the Chaco is one of the most unused environments in South America.

The Chaco is a large geographic area that is sparsely populated. Many of those living in the region are native peoples. It covers the departments of Boquerón, Upper Paraguay and the Department of Presidente Hayes, Paraguay.

The Chaco region was the scene of the longest territorial war to occur in South America; an armed conflict between Paraguay and Bolivia, lasting from 1932 to 1935.

The chaco is also home to sites of historical significance that have been preserved, including Boquerón, Campo Grande, Via Campo, Nanawa, the site of the battle of Cañada Strongest, Carmen, Kilometro 7, Picuiba, and Villamontes, amongst others.

Chaco (footwear)

Chaco is a brand of footwear best known for its product line of adjustable Z-strap sandals for outdoor and water use, often referred to as "Chacos". The Chaco brand also provides a variety of outdoor-influenced fashion sandals, shoes, flip-flops, boots and accessories.

The flagship line of adjustable outdoor sandals are distinguished by the fact that they use a single strap which loops around the foot through the sole, and so can be adjusted to fit without any extra fastenings. They are available with a range of sole types and strap configurations, to suit various environments, and the company offers a repair service.

Chaco (Illya Kuryaki and the Valderramas album)

Chaco is the third studio album by the Argentine duo Illya Kuryaki and the Valderramas, released in 1995 by Gigolo Productions. It was produced by Mariano Lopez Machi, former bassist of Invisible. The disc includes sixteen tracks that were mastered in New York by Ted Jensen (regular contributor to Madonna). Accompanied by Fernando Samalea (drums), Gustavo Spinetta (percussion), Gabriel Albizuri (guitar) and Fernando Nale (bass), the musicians presented the single "Abarajame". The title of the album is called under a northern Argentinian province, statistically the poorest one in that country.

Chaco (spider)

Chaco is a genus of spider in the family Nemesiidae.

Usage examples of "chaco".

Be that as it may, the Chaco Indians of to-day, comprising the remnants of the Lulis, Tobas, Lenguas, Mocobios, and others, are almost as savage as when first we hear of them in the pages of Alvar Nunez and Hulderico Schmidel.

These tribes the Jesuits on many occasions attempted to civilize, but almost entirely without success, as the long record of the martyrdom of Jesuit missionaries in the Chaco proves, as well as the gradual abandonment of their missions there, towards the second half of the eighteenth century.

There was one characteristic of the Guaranis in which they differed greatly from most of the Indian tribes in their vicinity, as the Indians of the Chaco and the Pampas, for all historians alike agree that they were most unwarlike.

It is from this characteristic that the Jesuits were able to make such a complete conquest of them, for, notwithstanding all their efforts, they never really succeeded in permanently establishing themselves amongst any of the tribes in the Chaco or upon the Pampas.

San Francisco Solano, the first ecclesiastic who rose to much note as a missionary, and who made his celebrated journey through the Chaco in 1588-89 from Peru to Paraguay, was a Franciscan.

He passed through the whole Chaco, descending the Pilcomayo to its junction with the Paraguay, through territories but little explored even to-day.

Indians of the Chaco resembled nothing human, so do they sneeze, and stutter, and cough.

Only those who know the Chaco, or western bank of the river Paraguay, can form the least idea of what such an expedition must have been.

Even to-day in the Chaco the change since the beginning of the world can be but slight.

In the interval they chiefly occupied themselves in the consolidation of their first settlements, and in various unsuccessful attempts to institute similar reductions amongst the Indians of the Chaco across the Paraguay.

Across the river Paraguay, there about one mile broad, extends the country called the Chaco, a vast domain of swamp and forest, inhabited in those days, as at present, by tribes of wandering Indians.

Plate, in 1678, was quite forgotten, together with the innumerable contingents sent by the Jesuits at the demand of Spanish governors against the Chaco Indians, the Payaguas, and even against the distant Calchaquis, in what is now the province of Jujuy.

Chapter VIII Don Jose de Antequera -- Appoints himself Governor of Asuncion -- Unsettled state of affairs in the town -- He is commanded to relinquish his illegal power -- He refuses, and resorts to arms -- After some success he is defeated and condemned to be executed -- He is shot on his way to the scaffold -- Renewed hatred against the Jesuits -- Their labours among the Indians of the Chaco From the departure of Cardenas in 1650, to about 1720, was the halcyon period of the Jesuit missions in Paraguay.

During this period the Jesuits had made repeated efforts, but without much real success, to establish missions amongst the wild equestrian tribes in the Gran Chaco upon the western bank of the river Paraguay.

The Jesuits pushed out their spiritual frontiers, advancing on the north amongst the Tobatines of the woods, and on the west endeavouring to spread their colonies amongst the Chiriguanas and other of the Chaco tribes.