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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Centralization \Cen`tral*i*za"tion\, n. [Cf. F. centralisation.] The act or process of centralizing, or the state of being centralized; the act or process of combining or reducing several parts into a whole; as, the centralization of power in the general government; the centralization of commerce in a city.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1801, especially of administrative power, originally with reference to Napoleonic France and on model of French centralisation. See centralize + -ation.


n. The act or process of centralize, or the state of being centralized; the act or process of combining or reducing several parts into a whole; as, the centralization of power in the general government; the centralization of commerce in a city.

  1. n. the act of consolidating power under a central control [syn: centralisation] [ant: decentralization]

  2. gathering to a center [syn: centralisation]

Usage examples of "centralization".

The degree of hierarchy and centralization operative in a given tribe seems to correlate with the length of time it has been sedentary: the Bani Isad, for example, which has been settled for several centuries, is much more centralized than the Ash Shabana, which has been sedentary only since the end of the nineteenth century.

Kundera, the strategies by which Soviet discourse imposes its centralization and uniformity on Czech history are those that structuralist and deconstructionist discourses impose upon chosen texts.

In some cases, this may mean changing the longstanding principle of military centralization and empowering individual soldiers, sailors, and airmen to be crucial components in applying and directing the application of force.

The senate, as it stands, as it was meant to be in the Constitution, is the strongest safeguard which the fundamental law established against centralization, against the tyranny of mere majorities, against the destruction of liberty, in such a diversity of climates and conditions as we have in our vast continent.

What reformers saw as more democracy in city government, urban historian Samuel Hays sees as the centralization of power in fewer hands, giving business and professional men more direct control over city government.

I have always maintained that this centralization and traditional conservation of language could only have been the result of religious and political influences, and I now mean to show that we really have clear evidence of three independent settlements of religion--the Turanian, the Aryan, and the Semitic--concomitantly with the three great settlements of language.

There's a tendency toward centralization in the European Community executive, which is almost totally insulated from public pressure, and there's a countertendency toward regionalization.

While precise details of the relationships among the empire's most powerful forces, the emperor, the Houses Major and Houses Minor the Landsraad, and the Spacing Guild, will have to await the completion ot translations of all documents now available in the Rakis Finds, the fundamental feudalism of the old empire has been established beyond all doubt Feudalism-a political system often regarded today ab primitive-was feasible m that past as a way to most efficiently govern such a widely dispersed empire of established planets-each with the capability to be self sustaining while retaining unique characteristics-and a constantly expanding frontier of new planets For an empire that lacked the technological developments necessary to efficiently offset the distances and differences between such planets feudalism alone had the proper combination of stability and flexibility, centralization and .

But this centralization will not succeed because it will run up against ethnic-political power bases in the republics.

Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.