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CECO - Chief e-Commerce Officer. A Chief e-Commerce Officer (CECO) is a job that focuses on e-Commerce within an organization or as outsourcing. The job's responsibilities vary depending on the needs of the enterprise but often include responsibility for:

  • For manufacturers: uploading company products to internet commerce existing platforms
  • For traders: finding the best cost effective products on the web
  • Managing and handling all commerce aspects via the internet: emails, updating existing products as needed, removing out of date products, uploading new products, general correspondence and products promotion within the platform
  • Creating an e-Commerce infrastructure for the enterprise.
  • Consulting about company's web site structure and contents
  • Aid with company site's SEO
  • Manage all aspects of the e-commerce website from CRO to SEO.

CECO - Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer. The CECO’s job is to bring the bad news to the boss, to help keep the company out of the dog house, and to help restore the company’s reputation when ethical or compliance problems have visited. – The CECO’s place within the organization is with management - - directly responsible to the CEO – The center of gravity for all company operations lies with management – Management has the first line responsibility - The ethics/compliance officer articulates to others that ethics initiatives are that of the CEO, and not “the latest from the ethics office” – The CECO should be part of management with a direct line to the CEO – The CECO must be given adequate resources and authority or will be discounted by both management and the workforce – The CECO should have a seat at the table whenever the CEO meets with other “direct reports” and should participate in major business decisions – The CECO should remain focused on ethics and compliance and not be given competing assignments – In larger organizations, the CECO’s role should be a full-time, dedicated position – In smaller organizations the CECO may be a part-time position (“dual hatted”); the other duties should be compatible duties – The CECO must have ready access to the Board, which has the obligation to be knowledgeable about and to provide oversight of the ethics and compliance program