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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Cave dweller

Cave \Cave\ (k[=a]v), n. [F. cave, L. cavus hollow, whence cavea cavity. Cf. Cage.]

  1. A hollow place in the earth, either natural or artificial; a subterraneous cavity; a cavern; a den.

  2. Any hollow place, or part; a cavity. [Obs.] ``The cave of the ear.''

  3. (Eng. Politics) A coalition or group of seceders from a political party, as from the Liberal party in England in 1866. See Adullam, Cave of, in the Dictionary of Noted Names in Fiction.

    Cave bear (Zo["o]l.), a very large fossil bear ( Ursus spel[ae]us) similar to the grizzly bear, but large; common in European caves.

    Cave dweller, a savage of prehistoric times whose dwelling place was a cave.

    Cave hyena (Zo["o]l.), a fossil hyena found abundanty in British caves, now usually regarded as a large variety of the living African spotted hyena.

    Cave lion (Zo["o]l.), a fossil lion found in the caves of Europe, believed to be a large variety of the African lion.

    Bone cave. See under Bone.

cave dweller

n. 1 Prehistoric human who lived in caves, a caveman or cavewoman 2 (context figuratively pejorative English) One who behaves like a caveman.

cave dweller

n. someone who dwells in a cave [syn: caveman, cave man, troglodyte]

Cave dweller

A cave dweller, or troglodyte (not to be confused with troglobite), is a human being who inhabits a cave or the area beneath the overhanging rocks of a cliff.

Usage examples of "cave dweller".

He was frightened of Yellow Eyes, who was cruel and strong, and much more clever than Long Nose or Cave Dweller.

The cave dweller's scalp was covered with a bristling mane of stiff, spiky hair, and his beard was a greasy, tangled mat covering most of his chest.

He suspected that the dwarf was mad, but the filthy cave dweller did not seem terribly dangerous, and Kelryn Darewind had a highly developed sense of danger, at least as it pertained to the protection of his own skin.

It had taken him more than a million years to change from a cave dweller into a city dweller, but a mere seven thousand years -- less than three hundred generations -- to change from a city dweller into a space explorer.

The eyes, or eye sockets, were large and could be those of a nocturnal hunter, but they were not a cave dweller's eyes.

Indeed, we have lived here so long that I swear I am turning into a cave dweller.

The eeopoe is a cave dweller, liking to set its nest, a plaster of feathers and moss and a secretion of fluids from its mouth, directly on the side of some opening.

Given time (now he could understand Gammage's preoccupation with time in a way no cave dweller could) one could learn all the Demons' secrets!