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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cucking stool \Cuck"ing stool`\ (k?k"?ng st??l`). [Cf. AS. scealfingst[=o]l, a word of similar meaning, allied to scealfor a diver, mergus avis; or possibly from F. coquine a hussy, slut, jade, f. of coquin, OE. cokin, a rascal; or cf. Icel. k?ka to dung, k?kr dung, the name being given as to a disgracing or infamous punishment.] A kind of chair formerly used for punishing scolds, and also dishonest tradesmen, by fastening them in it, usually in front of their doors, to be pelted and hooted at by the mob, but sometimes to be taken to the water and ducked; -- called also a castigatory, a tumbrel, and a trebuchet; and often, but not so correctly, a ducking stool.
--Sir. W. Scott.


a. Serving or tending to castigate. n. (context obsolete English) An instrument formerly used to punish and correct arrant scolds; the ducking stool or trebucket.

Usage examples of "castigatory".

I should likewise place on record, that the first ass that had ever been seen in this part of the country, came in the course of this year with a gang of tinklers, that made horn-spoons and mended bellows.

Fabiani consoled me, half jestingly, by saying that there should be neither confession nor castigatory sermon, although I had actually so well deserved it.