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casement window

n. A window that has frames hinged on the side and that opens outward.

casement window

n. a window with one or more casements

Casement window

A casement is a window that is attached to its frame by one or more hinges. Casement windows are hinged at the side. Windows hinged at the top are referred to as awning windows, and ones hinged at the bottom are called hoppers. They are used singly or in pairs within a common frame, in which case they are hinged on the outside. Casement windows are often held open using a casement stay. In the UK, casement windows were the most common house window before the sash window was introduced, and usually contained leaded glass—glass panes held in place with strips of lead (called lead "cames"; leaded glass is not to be confused with lead glass, which refers to the manufacture of the glass itself). These casement windows usually were hinged on the side, and opened inward. The windows were covered by functional exterior shutters, which opened outward. Variants of casement windows are still the norm in many European countries, such as Denmark and Sweden.

They are opened with a crank, lever, or cam handle, which is placed around hand height or at the bottom and serves as a window lock. A crank, stay, or friction hinge is necessary when the window opens outward, to hold the window in position despite wind.

Often the glass panes are set in a rabbeted frame and sealed with beveled putty or glazing compound to secure the glass.

Usage examples of "casement window".

The large casement window to his right was shut, and he could see no one outside on the lawn which sloped down to the dyke and the glebe field beyond, one which great Romney Marsh sheep were bleating to their young, for it was lambing time.

And from an upstairs window she heard her name called: Sophie stood at her casement window.

A low wail was heard in the air, -- many people in the concourse cried that they had seen a spirit glide across the little casement window of the Bowyer’.

Corinna looked through the casement window at some riders and a wagon moving away from the gates.

Then he took off the wall the big spidery black sketch of the TV tower that was almost entirely bright fluorescent red background and securely wedged and thumbtacked it, red side out, in the open casement window, using drawing pins.

It was the large casement window in the wall behind the desk that held my attentiona dark rectangle beyond which, like a scattered handful of bright jewels, were the lights of New Jersey and, above them, frosty pinpoints of stars shining coldly in a black sky.

She also heard the rain beat against the screen of the westerly-facing open casement window.

His eyes glance from the heavy velvet hangings across the narrow casement window to a small table beneath the leaded panes.

She twisted the cane's handle free of the blind's louvers where he'd thrust it through trying to snag the catch on the casement window, there.

High in the wall of the keep, a casement window swung wide, and Istas companion leaned out and stared down into the garden.

In one room a casement window was entirely missing and there was much water damage.

The half-open single casement window was in the middle of the wall, just short of the foot of the bed.