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The Collaborative International Dictionary

captivated \captivated\ adj.

  1. having an affection or admiration, caused by charm of the person or object.

    Syn: charmed.

  2. filled with wonder and delight.

    Syn: beguiled, charmed, delighted, enthralled, entranced.


vb. (en-past of: captivate)

  1. adj. strongly attracted [syn: charmed]

  2. filled with wonder and delight [syn: beguiled, charmed, delighted, enthralled, entranced]

Usage examples of "captivated".

At dinner she enchanted him and captivated the two Jesuits by her delicate and subtle wit.

I need not say that, with such a good letter of introduction, the unknown at once captivated my warmest interest.

Six years before, Lucie at Pasean had captivated me, but in a different manner.

Yet she was not one of those women who are neither handsome nor ugly, for she possessed a certain something which struck one at first sight and captivated the interest.

She began at once, and preserved a just mean in what she let us see and what she concealed, and thus set me in flames, though I was already captivated by her face, her wit, and her charming manners.

I remarked that the lady by whom I was captivated was on the side nearest my couch, and, without much vanity, I could suppose that it was not owing only to chance.

I did not do so, however, although my lieutenant assured me that I had only to express my wishes, for my generosity had captivated the love of all the islanders.

The Grand Turk's physician has brought it into vogue as a medicine, and it has been the cause of his fortune, for he has captivated the favour of his master who is in reality constantly ill, because he is always in a state of intoxication.

My housekeeper was too young, too pretty, and above all too pleasant, she had too keen a wit, for me not to be captivated by all these qualities conjoined.

Her father, a prosperous merchant of Marseilles, was well known in the commercial circles of Genoa, and besides this her wit and beauty captivated everybody, and one young gentleman fell madly in love with her.

After an extremely agreeable visit to the palatin I returned to Leopol, where I amused myself for a week with a pretty girl who afterwards so captivated Count Potocki, starost of Sniatin, that he married her.

In dress she surpassed everyone, and as she was witty and amusing she captivated all hearts.

Benjamin Noir took no notes or observations concerning it, but the rare flowering had clearly captivated him in his own way.

He told me that, by not accepting the offer of his daughter's hand, I had so strongly captivated his esteem that his feelings for me could not have been warmer if I had become his son.

The Adjutant Minolto never played, but he had captivated the lady's good graces by his services in the character of Mercury.