a capitalist society
▪ As consumers in a capitalist society, we can press companies to behave responsibly.
a capitalist/socialist economy (=based on a capitalist or socialist political system)
▪ the large capitalist economies of western Europe
a democratic/capitalist/communist etc country
▪ the former socialist countries of Eastern Europe
▪ My own study below is no exception and I would not claim an all-embracing explanation of advanced capitalist society from it.
▪ There may be similar trends in imprisonment in other advanced capitalist societies which face similar economic and social problems to Britain.
▪ Writing in the late 1960s and early 1970s, he argued that advanced capitalist societies were caught up in a major contradiction.
▪ The rivalry and interaction between advanced capitalist economies is a feature of this theoretical framework which is absent from world-system theories.
▪ However, even in advanced capitalist countries, the economic effect of degradation and erosion may not be negligible.
▪ The measured unemployment rate for the advanced capitalist countries had fallen below 3 percent.
▪ The propertied class is overrepresented in the governing institutions of all advanced capitalist states.
▪ The compassionate capitalist sees herself as a business entrepreneur and a social entrepreneur at the same time.
▪ But Juanita Avalard was also a compassionate capitalist because she gave Isabel a way to help herself.
▪ Before you can truly succeed as a compassionate capitalist, you need to answer that question honestly.
▪ They have taught me by their example what it means to be a compassionate capitalist.
▪ Who are the truly compassionate capitalists that you know?
▪ There are successful compassionate capitalists who have come out of very different ideologies.
▪ So what is a compassionate capitalist to think?
▪ Blocs are being seen as increasingly irrelevant today largely because the global capitalist system is perceived as increasingly salient.
▪ To put it crudely, the global capitalist system has very little need of the subordinate classes in this sphere.
▪ What is missing from Field's account is the connection between political transnational practices and the global capitalist system.
▪ In surrendering to the global capitalists, governments are themselves debasing democracy, making it quite useless for people to vote.
▪ The gist of my argument is that the global capitalist system leaves less and less space for exclusively national capitalist projects.
▪ They seem to appear as if by magic wherever industrial capitalist society grows.
▪ Over the years industrial capitalist society has been casting off many of the more obvious outward signs of inner distress.
▪ Since 1971 this growth has continued, and a similar trend is evident in all Western industrial capitalist societies.
▪ In the West, such bonds have been broken by industrial capitalist society.
▪ The reason is the increasing emphasis on individualism that industrial capitalist society imposes.
▪ The commodities boom also affected the major capitalist powers in different ways.
▪ Unemployment in the 1980s is generally regarded as one of the most important political issues facing all major capitalist economies.
▪ It was a key element in the dominant ideology of the nineteenth century in all the major capitalist countries.
▪ A modern capitalist state can not openly use coercive powers to help one class accumulate capital at the expense of others.
▪ Within modern capitalist societies the monopoly corporations constitute the dominant class fraction.
▪ Already many of the remaining noble landowners were developing modern capitalist methods of farming their estates.
▪ But he believed that pacifism could expect support from all the major vested interests in a modern capitalist society.
▪ Angell's central argument was a simple restatement of the interdependence of modern capitalist economies.
▪ This model assumes that the welfare state can combat the worst injustice of modern capitalist societies.
▪ Nevertheless, the performance of the economy, while historically remarkable, was inferior to that of other capitalist countries.
▪ There may be similar trends in imprisonment in other advanced capitalist societies which face similar economic and social problems to Britain.
▪ Not all of the practices of the transnational capitalist class are transnational.
▪ So the idea of the transnational capitalist class includes fractions of both the old indigenous bourgeoisie and the comprador bourgeoisie.
▪ The term transnational capitalist class is used interchangeably in the singular and the plural.
▪ The strength and unity of the transnational capitalist class are, therefore, always open to empirical questions.
▪ These young people are, of course, those from whom tomorrow's transnational capitalist class will be recruited.
▪ This raises the question of political practices and the transnational capitalist class, to which I now turn.
▪ The Eastern Bloc has been transformed into a gigantic Enterprise Zone for western capitalists eager to reap the benefits of suppressed consumerism.
▪ Since 1971 this growth has continued, and a similar trend is evident in all Western industrial capitalist societies.
▪ However, it clearly performs a much less crucial or well-defined function than is the case in the Western capitalist economies.
▪ In western capitalist economies the vast majority of governments have sought to reflect this distinction by adopting anti-insider dealing laws.
▪ Not all of the practices of the transnational capitalist class are transnational.
▪ So the idea of the transnational capitalist class includes fractions of both the old indigenous bourgeoisie and the comprador bourgeoisie.
▪ The term transnational capitalist class is used interchangeably in the singular and the plural.
▪ The strength and unity of the transnational capitalist class are, therefore, always open to empirical questions.
▪ These young people are, of course, those from whom tomorrow's transnational capitalist class will be recruited.
▪ This raises the question of political practices and the transnational capitalist class, to which I now turn.
▪ Nevertheless, the performance of the economy, while historically remarkable, was inferior to that of other capitalist countries.
▪ However, even in advanced capitalist countries, the economic effect of degradation and erosion may not be negligible.
▪ The measured unemployment rate for the advanced capitalist countries had fallen below 3 percent.
▪ It was a key element in the dominant ideology of the nineteenth century in all the major capitalist countries.
▪ This unequal but in general legitimated social hierarchy had depended on a healthy capitalist economy and benign, prosperous welfare State.
▪ The state according to Castells's perspective, had the central role of ensuring a healthy capitalist economy.
▪ The rivalry and interaction between advanced capitalist economies is a feature of this theoretical framework which is absent from world-system theories.
▪ However: The question now arises: just what are the consciously functioning parts of the world capitalist economy?
▪ Unemployment in the 1980s is generally regarded as one of the most important political issues facing all major capitalist economies.
▪ Towns of the neo-colonial capitalist economy have yet to function in this way.
▪ But. if this is so. why do capitalist economies do it?
▪ Angell's central argument was a simple restatement of the interdependence of modern capitalist economies.
▪ The question arises as to what extent such arrangements can provide a model for the democratisation of the multidivisional capitalist enterprise. 2.
▪ Marx believed that the following aspects of capitalist society would eventually lead to the proletariat developing into a class for itself.
▪ There may be similar trends in imprisonment in other advanced capitalist societies which face similar economic and social problems to Britain.
▪ Writing in the late 1960s and early 1970s, he argued that advanced capitalist societies were caught up in a major contradiction.
▪ Marx saw this point of view as legitimizing the institutions on which nineteenth-century capitalist society was built.
▪ Over the years industrial capitalist society has been casting off many of the more obvious outward signs of inner distress.
▪ Mauss's underlying concern was with individualism as an aspect of the fragmentation and disembedded nature of capitalist society.
▪ As in previous capitalist societies, the rich and powerful took only the very best.
▪ But he believed that pacifism could expect support from all the major vested interests in a modern capitalist society.
▪ A modern capitalist state can not openly use coercive powers to help one class accumulate capital at the expense of others.
▪ Does it have relevance beyond the interaction of developed capitalist states?
▪ It presupposes that the functionally optimal capitalist state is in some senses class-neutral.
▪ From their historical perspective Marx and Engels could be forgiven for arguing that late-nineteenth-century Britain had a repressive capitalist state.
▪ Economic crisis may produce political regimes which are radically different from those of even the interventionist capitalist state.
▪ The problem ultimately lies in the relative weakness of the Third World economy in the world capitalist system.
▪ The 1972-3 mini-boom 1972 and early 1973 was a period of very rapid growth throughout the world capitalist system.
▪ Blocs are being seen as increasingly irrelevant today largely because the global capitalist system is perceived as increasingly salient.
▪ To put it crudely, the global capitalist system has very little need of the subordinate classes in this sphere.
▪ What is missing from Field's account is the connection between political transnational practices and the global capitalist system.
▪ The gist of my argument is that the global capitalist system leaves less and less space for exclusively national capitalist projects.
▪ Is it backed by sophisticated venture capitalists?
▪ With backing from San Diego venture capitalists Kingsbury Associates, the company began researching its camera.
▪ My guess would be he would take the first flight to Helsinki and listen to the venture capitalists there.
▪ Training programs are turning hightech, and venture capitalists are staking millions on the new approach.
▪ Formal venture capitalists are also likely to want loan capital or preference shares; they may want these to be convertible.
▪ Those deals are generally too small to attract much enthusiasm from venture capitalists.
▪ When he talked about starting a company, we discussed this with several venture capitalists to see what the usual arrangement was.
▪ the capitalists of the West
▪ But venture capitalists are swooping in like vultures.
▪ First, if partially successful, it will lead to a big profits boom for the capitalists.
▪ In other words, capitalists must prosper if there is to be progress and landlords can not help reaping its fruits.
▪ Is it backed by sophisticated venture capitalists?
▪ The capitalist can give them nothing that they need.
▪ The difference between the two is the surplus value which the capitalist can extract from the workers.
▪ The relationship between capitalist and wage labourer is defined as an equal exchange.
▪ There, the capitalist class had the larger savings propensity, and a transfer to wage-earners reduced the rate of accumulation.
▪ The state must appear class-neutral, the better to preserve the long-run interests of the capitalist class.
▪ Capital is privately owned by a minority, the capitalist class.
▪ Many criminal actions appear to offer little threat to the capitalist class system.
▪ Such top managers should be regarded as part of the capitalist class since their position is qualitatively different from other employees.
▪ For instance, the various ownership rights of the capitalist class will be enshrined in and protected by the laws of the land.
▪ Marxist analyses of the social structure suggest that the political system is dominated by representatives of the bourgeoisie, the capitalist class.
▪ Instrumentalists regard administrative elites as simply functionaries who make policy according to the rational interests of the capitalist class.
▪ In a capitalist country, political dictatorship is not incompatible with economic modernisation and can even facilitate it.
▪ Socialist victory in the advanced capitalist countries constitutes the only certain guarantee of enduring peace.
▪ Akayev was widely seen as a democrat and as eager to develop contacts with capitalist countries.
▪ But we must also take note of its growing importance in the advanced capitalist countries and the workers states.
▪ It has revealed a social nature somewhat different from that of the traditional peasantry of the advanced capitalist countries.
▪ Such a seemingly paradoxical phenomenon is well known in capitalist countries.
▪ The degree of capitalist development implied the momentum of a bourgeois revolution.
▪ Unfortunately the maquila project also demonstrates that rarely could or did the government actually reorient the conditions of capitalist development.
▪ What then was qualitatively different about the imperialist epoch, as compared to the previous era of capitalist development?
▪ The Queretaro maquila project may actually be the model for capitalist development in the region.
▪ Second, the contradictions inherent in the demands made on the state were likely to intensify as capitalist development proceeded.
▪ World-system theories emphasize the international character of the capitalist economy.
▪ What are the prospects ahead for the world capitalist economy?
▪ It was, of course, presiding over a capitalist economy.
▪ Marxism was not primarily a scientific method designed to uncover the mechanisms of the capitalist economy.
▪ The era of free competition in the capitalist economy is over in all areas and in all respects.
▪ And yet his motives were not unique; in a capitalist economy everybody is out to get money.
▪ The most distinctive institution of capitalist economies is the privately owned corporation.
▪ Class grew out of industrialization and the development of a capitalist economy.
▪ Liberal-democracy is found only in countries whose economic system is wholly or predominantly that of capitalist enterprise.
▪ Law mirrors the abstract individuality and formal equality of contracting parties in the capitalist market.
▪ This theology slipped over the iron hand of the capitalist market like a silk glove.
▪ The capitalist mode of production, for example, developed in Britain prior to industrialisation.
▪ As we have seen in the case of Mormonism, a dialectical relationship exists between the Asiatic and the capitalist modes.
▪ Thus the capitalist mode articulates with the peasant mode, with the latter playing a subordinate role and the former benefiting.
▪ In the capitalist mode of production, however, the workers are landless and have no independent means of subsistence.
▪ First, the state must meet the ever-increasing requirements for effective demand generated by the capitalist mode of production.
▪ The only ultimately effective way the worker can resist is through collective class action to overthrow the capitalist mode of production.
▪ In this lay the historical peculiarity of the capitalist mode of production.
▪ The superiority of the capitalist mode of production led to a rapid transformation of the structure of society.
▪ But Bukharin pointed out: Usually, the anarchy of capitalist production is seen in the light of market competition and of that alone.
▪ They therefore had a monopoly on technological advances and the dynamics of capitalist production.
▪ Massey provides us with a fascinating and persuasive account of how capitalist production has used space.
▪ For Marxists, too, as an area becomes developed it can acquire characteristics which make it less attractive to capitalist production.
▪ Neo-Marxists emphasize the globalization of capitalist production and the associated creation of a global division of labour.
▪ Such crises do not have an accidental character, they are a part of the very process of capitalist production and reproduction.
▪ For instance, in capitalist society, managers, administrators and professionals receive relatively high salaries because of the demand for their services.
▪ He argues that capitalist societies remain polarized between two main classes: the ruling class and the working class.
▪ Thus wealth in capitalist society is produced by the labour power of the workers.
▪ In capitalist society, the forces of production include the collective production of goods by large numbers of workers in factories.
▪ Essentially, he argues that capitalist societies are prone to periodic fluctuations in profitability.
▪ Such views are not limited to capitalist societies, or to countries in the developed world.
▪ Hence, class conflict is viewed as inevitable and indeed as the only major source of conflict in capitalist society.
▪ Most importantly they see the social structure of capitalist societies as being based not upon conflict but upon shared values.
▪ Poulantzas' explanation gives a key role to the relation between the capitalist state and capitalist ideology.
▪ Through mounting intervention to sustain a profitable economy, capitalist states are haphazardly establishing a wholly new arena of political confrontation.
▪ What is needed is an organisation which is strong enough to combat and overthrow the capitalist state.
▪ In short, capitalist states were becoming thoroughly entangled in a set of conflicts from which they could not easily extricate themselves.
▪ Poulantzas therefore develops his theory by elaborating his conception of the capitalist state and tracing its connection with the class struggle.
▪ In normal circumstances the capitalist state can successfully conceal its class character.
▪ The capitalist state has to perform two essential but often contradictory functions.
▪ Just remember that as the State withers away, so will the many evils which accompany the capitalist state.
▪ The state is called on to perform a number of functions necessary for the smooth development of the capitalist system.
▪ This was one more bit of debris from the capitalist system, from feudalism, from the Dark Ages.
▪ We are against the global capitalist system, with its logic of competition and profit.
▪ The most elusive culprit remains the built-in contradictions of the capitalist system.
▪ It only occurs as a result of the incorporation of these societies into capitalist systems.
▪ The predominance of the United States in the world capitalist system received fresh confirmation.
▪ The traditional capitalist system has worked very well to increase local, national and global wealth for many years.
▪ The energy crisis is but a single example of what is happening to the world capitalist system.
▪ He was an agent, not of the capitalist West, but of the spirit of human freedom.
▪ Silently, desperately, it is struggling against a new and all-powerful adversary, the civilization of the capitalist West.
▪ There will be little room, however, for more daring creations from the now reviled capitalist West.
▪ He took as his starting point the capitalist world economy: Contemporary capitalism is world capitalism.
▪ If socialists are right to perceive losses as a virtue, there are a lot of holy people in the capitalist world.
▪ These measures, introduced quite suddenly, led to considerable economic problems in the capitalist world.
▪ Their lives lay with the capitalist world he had hated so bitterly in his own youth.
▪ For example, in most work situations in our capitalist world the employer gives money in exchange for the employee's labour.
▪ It represented the prototype of the transformation for which the whole of the capitalist world is destined.
▪ The capitalist world drummed its fingers in anticipation of the revolution's demise.
▪ the seven richest capitalist countries
▪ Capital is privately owned by a minority, the capitalist class.
▪ In these ways, argues Marx, capitalist manufacturing exploits workers' labour-power and craft skills.
▪ Members of capitalist systems tend to take such discrimination for granted but the logic of the exercise is far from obvious.
▪ More limited forms of resistance such as normal trade union activity do not alter the fundamental relationships of class inequality in capitalist society.
▪ Skepticism is part and parcel of the capitalist ideology.
▪ The degree of capitalist development implied the momentum of a bourgeois revolution.
▪ This refers to the professionals and white-collar workers whose earnings are linked to their skills and qualifications rather than capitalist ventures.
▪ What happened in the 1970s was capitalist greed.