Crossword clues for cannas
n. (plural of canna English)
Usage examples of "cannas".
The yard was virtually empty, apart from the pawpaws and a wilting row of cannas along the front of the house.
The swinging portion of the gate was two racks of heavy cast-iron spears, but they stood open now, and Mark crossed the iron grid which would prevent hooved animals entering or escaping and started up the gentle curve of the driveway, butter yellow flint pebbles carefully raked and freshly watered, set on each side with deep beds of cannas which were now in full bloom.
While Mark Anders drank coffee at the wayside store, Fergus MacDonald lay under the hedge at the bottom of a garden ablaze with crimson cannas in orderly beds, and peered through a pair of binoculars down the slope at the Newlands Police Station.
The painters are gone now, and the new awnings are up, the palms have been trimmed, and the cannas are blooming along the fence.
There were riotous flowers, flaming cannas, and the hyacinths that at times choked the streams through which they made their way.
There were flowers as well as vegetables and herbs, she noticed with interest—roses, cannas, bougainvillea.