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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Campeachy Wood

Campeachy Wood \Cam*peach"y Wood`\ [From the bay of Campeachy, in Mexico.] Logwood.

Campeachy wood

Logwood \Log"wood`\n. [So called from being imported in logs.] The heartwood of a tree ( H[ae]matoxylon Campechianum), a native of South America, It is a red, heavy wood, containing a crystalline substance called h[ae]matoxylin, and is used largely in dyeing. An extract from this wood is used in medicine as an astringent. Also called Campeachy wood, and bloodwood.

Usage examples of "campeachy wood".

Logwood aka Campeachy wood or blackwood [Haematoxylon campechianum]: Source of a fugitive lavender and a fast black dyes.