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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Camp chair

Camp \Camp\ (k[a^]mp), n. [F. camp, It. campo, fr. L. campus plant, field; akin to Gr. kh^pos garden. Cf. Campaign, Champ, n.]

  1. The ground or spot on which tents, huts, etc., are erected for shelter, as for an army or for lumbermen, etc.

  2. A collection of tents, huts, etc., for shelter, commonly arranged in an orderly manner.

    Forming a camp in the neighborhood of Boston.
    --W. Irving.

  3. A single hut or shelter; as, a hunter's camp.

  4. The company or body of persons encamped, as of soldiers, of surveyors, of lumbermen, etc.

    The camp broke up with the confusion of a flight.

  5. (Agric.) A mound of earth in which potatoes and other vegetables are stored for protection against frost; -- called also burrow and pie. [Prov. Eng.]

  6. [Cf. OE. & AS. camp contest, battle. See champion.] An ancient game of football, played in some parts of England.

    Camp bedstead, a light bedstead that can be folded up onto a small space for easy transportation.

    camp ceiling (Arch.), a kind ceiling often used in attics or garrets, in which the side walls are inclined inward at the top, following the slope of the rafters, to meet the plane surface of the upper ceiling.

    Camp chair, a light chair that can be folded up compactly for easy transportation; the seat and back are often made of strips or pieces of carpet.

    Camp fever, typhus fever.

    Camp follower, a civilian accompanying an army, as a sutler, servant, etc.

    Camp meeting, a religious gathering for open-air preaching, held in some retired spot, chiefly by Methodists. It usually last for several days, during which those present lodge in tents, temporary houses, or cottages.

    Camp stool, the same as camp chair, except that the stool has no back.

    Flying camp (Mil.), a camp or body of troops formed for rapid motion from one place to another.

    To pitch (a) camp, to set up the tents or huts of a camp.

    To strike camp, to take down the tents or huts of a camp.

camp chair

n. a light folding chair

Usage examples of "camp chair".

Lord Welf steered Ekkehard to a | camp chair, swiftly set up by one of their concubines, a blonde girl with the look of a cornered rabbit.

Without waiting for an invitation Raif sat on the closest camp chair.

Agamemnon sat drowsily in a camp chair, a jewel-encrusted wine goblet in his right hand.

Stanson said, leaning back in his camp chair and sipping at the wine.

They were already heavily burdened with the equipment Keyser had insisted they carry back to the colony, including his English hunting saddle, his folding camp chair and bed, his canteen and bedroll.

Garnet let out a long sigh, pushed himself gingerly from the rickety camp chair.

Duiker, with the now ever-present Corporal List standing at his shoulder, sat wearily in a camp chair, listening to the commanders make their reports with a dismay that slowly numbed.

Under an awning Princess Sapientia sat in a camp chair, attended by Father Hugh, her favorites, her Eagle, and the servants and wet nurse who took care of baby Hippolyte.

Lavastine sat and motioned to Alain to sit in the camp chair at his right.

His father sat in a camp chair beside the pallet on which he had been sleeping.