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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Calve \Calve\ (k[aum]v), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Calved 3; p. pr. & vb. n. Calving.] [AS. cealfian. See Calf.]

  1. To bring forth a calf. ``Their cow calveth.''
    --Job xxi. 10.

  2. To bring forth young; to produce offspring.

    Canst thou mark when the hinds do calve?
    --Job xxxix. 1.

    The grassy clods now calved.

  3. (Phys. Geog.) To throw off fragments which become icebergs; -- said of a glacier.


n. 1 The act of giving birth to a calf 2 The breaking away of a mass of ice from an iceberg, glacier etc. vb. (present participle of calve English)


n. giving birth to a calf


Calving may refer to:

  • Calving, the process of giving birth to a calf
  • Ice calving, the process by which an iceberg breaks off from an ice shelf or glacier

Usage examples of "calving".

To Icebones, the rumble of the deep water was a distinct noise under the frothy din of the surface world, like the far-off call of a thunderstorm, or the giant crack of a distant glacier calving an iceberg.

Ice and snow smacked his back as he escaped the crushing flow of the great calving.

A log bunkhouse, a long squatty building set into the hillside, was not far from the barn and calving sheds in the hollow.

Chase chuckled in his throat, fully aware more cowboys threatened to quit during calving season than any other time, although few actually did.

Outside the calving sheds, the sky was a mass of brittle ice stars that seemed to touch the frozen Montana plains.

The bare light bulbs, strung the length of the calving shed, were coated with dust that muted the glare of their bald light.

When Ty had come on duty at the outset of the night shift, Stumpy had taken him under his wing and stayed at his side through each calving, giving him instructions and advice.

Ty ran a glance down the calving shed, but there was no sign of Stumpy returning, and he looked back at the heifer.

She had observed nearly every calving situation imaginable and had recently taken part in her share of them.

But she also knew that even though some of the wives, especially the younger ones, pitched in during the calving season or on a roundup when they were short of cowboys, no female on horseback was drawing regular cowhand wages.

It was calving season, a round-the-clock operation in brutal weather that took its toll on man and beast.

When calving season arrived, it was a time of round-the-clock work in invariably miserable conditions.

Cat spent her share of hours in the calving sheds, tramping through the muck and the mire, making sure there was always fresh coffee for the men, now and then pitching in to pull a calf, and taking over the care of the orphaned ones.

The farmer was called away to attend to a calving cow and as he hopped blithely from the stack he patted my shoulder as I leaned on my fork.

Tremblingly I lifted the receiver while horrid visions of 232 ALL THTNGS WISE AND WONDERFUL calving heifers floated before me.