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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Calk \Calk\ (k[add]k), n. [Cf. AS. calc shoe, hoof, L. calx, calcis, heel, calcar, spur.]

  1. A sharp-pointed piece of iron or steel projecting downward on the shoe of a horse or an ox, to prevent the animal from slipping; -- called also calker, calkin.

  2. An instrument with sharp points, worn on the sole of a shoe or boot, to prevent slipping.

  3. same as caulk[2], n..


n. A calk on a shoe.


n. a metal cleat on the bottom front of a horseshoe to prevent slipping [syn: calk]

Calkin (disambiguation)

Calkin or calkins may refer to:

  • a Caulkin, part of a horseshoe
Calkin (surname)

Calkin is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:

  • Hervey C. Calkin, U.S. Representative from New York
  • John Baptiste Calkin, English composer, organist and music teacher
  • , mathematician

  • Samuel Calkin, American businessman, musician, a politician from Texas

Usage examples of "calkin".

Brennan is backing a man named Mayo, one of the tracklayers, against Sam Calkins, a conductor.

Calkins suddenly grabbed him, backheeled him and again Cris hit the dust.

That is Binks, or Calkins, or Shivers, or any one of those worried gray-haired men who sit in the outer office behind a desk strewn with papers and make sure that no mistakes have been made.

Sam Calkins had curious associates, but for a man who was a pugilist as well as a railroader, that was not surprising.

If he defeated Calkins he would have two hundred dollars and he could go on to the west, maybe to California where the McCleans were headed.

It seems that Calkins made some unpleasant remarks about the Irish, and your boy is from County Cork.

Calkins was experienced, so Calkins would try to make him do most of the work in the early rounds.

He examined their fingernails and, amid loud complaints, ordered those of Calkins trimmed shorter.

Calkins was out to make him expend himself in the early rounds and although he had never tired during the early part of a fight, Cris was determined to make Calkins come to him.

Cris went into him, ducking his head to miss the blows, and catching Calkins about the waist heaved him suddenly from the ground and dropped him.

The right Sam Calkins threw as he hit the ground flat on his feet caught Cris between the eyes and felled him in his tracks.

It was not a hard punch but it came at the proper moment and Calkins went down in a sitting position.

This had been the punch he had been warned that Sam himself would use, and as it lifted Sam from his feet and he started to fall, running in on him Cris hit him a swinging left that dropped Calkins in a heap.

Maddened with pain, he smashed Calkins with a right, then put both hands to the pit of the stomach.

Mayo turned to the ring, but Sam Calkins was down and he was not getting up.