n. (context inorganic compound English) The compound CaCN2 produced by reacting calcium carbide with nitrogen; it is used as a fertilizer
Calcium cyanamide is the inorganic compound with the formula CaCN. This calcium derivative of cyanamide (CN) is used as fertilizer, first synthesized in 1898 by Adolph Frank and Nikodem Caro ( Frank-Caro process). It is commercially known as nitrolime.
Usage examples of "calcium cyanamide".
Almost every day they came back to the trailer park with samples of new materials: sulphuric acid, sorel cements for the vault mortar, ammonium nitrate explosives, a calcium cyanamide rover fuel, polysulfide rubber, silicon-based hyperacids, emulsifying agents, a selection of test tubes holding trace elements extracted from the salts.
Almost every day they came back to the trailer park with samples of new materials: sulphuric acid, sorel cements for the vault mortar, ammonium nitrate explosives, a calcium cyanamide rover fuel, polysulfide rubber, silicon-based hyperacids, emulsifying agents, a selection of test tubes holding trace elements extracted from the salts, and, most recently, clear glass.