n. 1 (context music English) The major key with C as its tonic, and no sharps or flats, having the notes C, D, E, F, G, A, and B. 2 (context music English) The major chord with a root of C.
The C major scale consists of the pitches C, D, E, F, G, A, and B. Its key signature has no flats and no sharps.
Its relative minor is A minor and its parallel minor is C minor.
C major is one of the most common key signatures used in western music. Most transposing instruments playing in their home key are notated in C major; for example, a clarinet in B sounding a B-flat major scale is notated as playing a C major scale. The white keys of the piano correspond to the C major scale. Among brass instruments, the contra-bass tuba is in C. A pedal harp tuned to C major has all of its pedals in the middle position.
Usage examples of "c major".
The generators sang the most beautiful C major chord Peter had ever heard.