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The Collaborative International Dictionary

burp \burp\, burping \burping\n. a reflex that expels wind noisily from the stomach through the mouth.

Syn: belch, belching, burping, eructation.


n. 1 The sound of a burp. 2 The act by which a baby is burped. vb. (present participle of burp English)


n. a reflex that expels wind noisily from the stomach through the mouth [syn: belch, belching, burp, eructation]


' Burping' (also known as belching, ructus, erupt or eructation) is the release of gas from the digestive tract (mainly esophagus and stomach) through the mouth.

Usage examples of "burping".

The stink of sulphur was disgusting, and each bubbling, burping nest of volcanic fumaroles was more horrific than the last.

Again the moon blazed down and there was total silence except for the distant burping and bubbling of the fumaroles and the occasional sinister chuckle of a gecko from the shrubbery.

The voxyn opened its mouth again, this time burping out a brown stream.

Not a wisp of wind stirred in the trees, but from somewhere came the sound of softly running water and, in the background, a regular, glutinous burping and bubbling.

The iron-tipped missiles burrowed deep inside the creature to detonate, but only produced a sort of rude burping effect.

And stared down, down, in an unlimited perspective until finally her sight distinguished a burbling, burping mass of ochre eruptions that she recognized as 'ground'.

The sound of the outlet's whirring and burping was unnaturally loud in the deserted room.

It's my fault, Jim, home so much, limping around, ruined knees, overweight, under the Influence, burping, nonslim, sweat-soaked in that broiler of a trailer, burping, farting, frustrated, miserable, knocking lamps over, overshooting my reach.

GENTLE: Gentlemen, as you all know I've just returned, at extremely high speeds, burping up the taste of wieners I'm pretty sure were just crawling with every sort of microbe that makes publicly vended concessions a scourge and menace that TlNE: flxnayish hand-signal] GENTLE: But so gentlemen I'm fresh back from a goodwill appearance at a post-collegiate bowl game.

In the unpromising surfaces of bare rock, she had found a bright wheel of capricious emotions, while in cloud puffs that surely must have been burping with innate whimsy, she found such a bleakness as would chill the heart of a commissioner.

Quietly burping a vapor of molten lava and dragon snot, a venom of fire ant, an essence that certain Middle Eastern governments might surely have converted to weaponry, she got hold of her emotions.

Today, burping, each burp a demítasse of napalm, she selected more than a dozen fine sable brushes, mostly in the broader widths.

And, burping all the while, her esophagus smoldering like a soggy fuse, she chanted the names of the colors as she dropped them into her basket.