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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bungler \Bun"gler\, n. A clumsy, awkward workman; one who bungles.

If to be a dunce or a bungler in any profession be shameful, how much more ignominious and infamous to a scholar to be such!

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1530s, agent noun from bungle (v.).


n. Someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence


n. someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence [syn: blunderer, fumbler, bumbler, stumbler, sad sack, botcher, butcher, fuckup]

Usage examples of "bungler".

Perhaps he had been blind all along, blinded by his impression of her as the bungler on ship, blinded by the childlike interest he had had in her ever since Side 7.

Why, no self-respecting businessman would hire a bungler like Him as even a shipping clerk!

Although over forty years old, Boris was an unlucky bungler who seemed unable to organize for himself such things as clean linen or even regular shaves.

No one would miss these bunglers, who are stinking up Tallahassee with their rotten, self-serving politics.

At first, he had thought that these people were SOE bunglers, rank amateurs.

Wearying of this, because, as he said, it was poor work fencing with bunglers, he kept us closer company for the rest of the journey, and was most entertaining.

The next wave of families were gathered in huddles: the next wave of berks, burglars and bunglers was being dredged up from the cells.

No one would miss these bunglers, who are stinking up Tallahassee with their rotten, self-serving politics.

At first, he had thought that these people were SOE bunglers, rank amateurs.

There are also a lot of people who got dragged down forever by it -- which is probably just as well, for the rest of us, because many of them were exposed as either dangerous bunglers, ruthless swine or both.

The efforts of one dedicated bungler can outdo the evils of a hundred archvillains without breaking a sweat.

Why, no self-respecting businessman would hire a bungler like Him as even a shipping clerk!