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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Botcher \Botch"er\, n.

  1. One who mends or patches, esp. a tailor or cobbler.

  2. A clumsy or careless workman; a bungler.

  3. (Zo["o]l.) A young salmon; a grilse.


n. 1 (context obsolete English) A person who mends things, especially such a cobbler or tailor 2 A clumsy or incompetent worker; a bungler 3 A young salmon; a grilse.


n. someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence [syn: bungler, blunderer, fumbler, bumbler, stumbler, sad sack, butcher, fuckup]

Usage examples of "botcher".

But truly, else, a very faithful brother, A botcher, and a man, by revelation, That hath a competent knowledge of the truth.

Mine earnest vehement botcher, And deacon also, I cannot dispute with you: But if you get you not away the sooner, I shall confute you with a cudgel.

There is less to alter than I thought for--the clumsiest botcher in the world could manage it.

Your country botcher would only bleed her, and she hasna the strength for that.

Your country botcher would only bleed her, and she hasna the strength for that.

There is less to alter than I thought for--the clumsiest botcher in the world could manage it.

A few of the botchers, the assembly-line appendix removers, the incompetents, were given the choice of resigning quietly or being ousted officially.