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a. (en-superlativebunchy)


See bunchy

  1. adj. occurring close together in bunches or clusters [syn: bunched, clustered]

  2. [also: bunchiest, bunchier]

Usage examples of "bunchiest".

And of Paris I can tell you no more my dear than that it's town and country both in one, and carved stone and long streets of high houses and gardens and fountains and statues and trees and gold, and immensely big soldiers and immensely little soldiers and the pleasantest nurses with the whitest caps a playing at skipping-rope with the bunchiest babies in the flattest caps, and clean table-cloths spread everywhere for dinner and people sitting out of doors smoking and sipping all day long and little plays being acted in the open air for little people and every shop a complete and elegant room, and everybody seeming to play at everything in this world.