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n. (plural of bucktooth English)


See bucktooth

  1. n. a large projecting front tooth

  2. [also: buckteeth (pl)]

Usage examples of "buckteeth".

She also suffered from what is commonly referred to as buckteeth, with one crooked eyetooth on the left side.

Mo himself had written that Maria used to be a quiet, homely girl, with buckteeth and a very bad complexion.

Its gigantic ears and exaggerated buckteeth gave it an almost comical, cartoon-ish quality that was offset by one look at those powerful legs.

Ambreza were enormous rodents that somewhat resembled overgrown beavers, complete to the buckteeth and large, paddlelike tail.

It was just the rodentlike head and prominent buckteeth that gave the initial impression.

This latter line was vegetarian, blessed with buckteeth and jaw muscles that never tired, superbly fitted for chewing gum and leafy plants.

The Ambreza were enormous rodents that somewhat resembled overgrown beavers, complete to the buckteeth and large, paddlelike tail.