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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bubo \Bu"bo\ (b[=u]"b[-o]), n.; pl. Buboes (-b[-o]z). [LL. bubo the groin, a swelling in the groin, Gr. boubw`n.] (Med.) An inflammation, with enlargement, of a lymphatic gland, esp. in the groin, as in syphilis.


n. (plural of bubo English)


See bubo

  1. n. a lymph node that is inflamed and swollen because of plague or gonorrhea or tuberculosis

  2. a genus of Strigidae [syn: genus Bubo]

  3. [also: buboes (pl)]

Usage examples of "buboes".

High fever, swollen tongue, intoxication of the nervous system, buboes under the arms and in the groin.

They had carried nosegays of flowers and drunk powdered emeralds and applied leeches to the buboes, but all of those were worse than useless, and Dr.

He had a cloth soaked in vinegar before his mouth and nose, but left it off when it was plain that Adam had no temperature, no buboes or boils on him and no other signs which meant the plague.

He knelt down by Kit and with Willem's help stripped the clothes from him and began to examine his trunk and groin for the signs of buboes, boils or any other signs of the plague.

Bubonic, that's the one with the buboes, pneumonic," he said, pronouncing the P.

Bubonic plague was spread by rat fleas, and that was the kind that produced the buboes.

All of them had buboes or small seedlike growths on the lymph glands except the steward's wife.

She was not coughing or vomiting, and Kivrin hoped the buboes had simply not developed yet.

They had also bled people and dosed them with arsenic, she thought, though the clerk had seemed better after his buboes broke, and he was still alive.

No buboes, but the woman has several small lumps like seeds inside her thigh.

She still doesn't have any buboes or vomiting, which is a good sign, I think.

She had no buboes and she didn't cough or vomit, and Kivrin wondered if it were illness or simply grief or guilt.

That, and the stage the epidemic had reached had made her think he had the pneumonic plague, and she hadn't seen any buboes under his arms when she took his coat off.

When the buboes were in the groin, they were perilously close to the femoral artery.

What she needed was alcohol, but they had used all the wine lancing the buboes and giving sacraments to all the dying.