Crossword clues for briquet
The Collaborative International Dictionary
briquet \bri*quet"\, Briquette \Bri*quette"\, n. [Also briquet.] [F., dim. of brique brick.]
A block of compacted charcoal, coal dust, or peat, etc., used as a fuel. Charcoal briquettes are a common fuel used for the outdoor barbecue grill.
A block of artificial stone in the form of a brick, used for paving; also, a molded sample of solidified cement or mortar for use as a test piece for showing the strength of the material.
n. 1 a small brick, typically made of charcoal and typically used for fuel 2 A block of artificial stone in the form of a brick, used for paving. 3 A moulded sample of solidified cement or mortar for use as a test piece for showing the strength of the material. 4 (''obsolete?'') a cigarette lighter
n. a block made from charcoal or coal dust and burned as fuel [syn: briquette]
Briquet may refer to:
People named Briquet- Fortunée Briquet (1782–1815), French femme de lettres
- Charles-Moïse Briquet (1880–1918) - Swiss paper merchant and scholar of watermarks.
- Jean Briquet, (né Jehan de Villeroye) fl. 1420, a Renaissance composer
- John Briquet (1870–1931) - Swiss botanist
- Paul Briquet (1796–1881), after whom the mental disorder Briquet syndrome is named
- Artois Hound or Briquet, a rare breed of dog, and a descendant of the Bloodhound
- Briquette or briquet, a block of flammable matter which is used as fuel to start and maintain a fire
- Briquet's, a famous 19th century private school at Plain Palais, Geneva, Switzerland
- Sabre, a sword with a curved, single-edged blade and a rather large hand guard, often carried in past centuries by infantrymen and artillerymen.
- A type of sandwich.
- Somatization disorder or Briquet's disorder, also Brissaud- Marie Syndrome, a psychiatric diagnosis
A briquet ( Dutch: vuurijzer) is a Medieval silver coin, first introduced by Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy in 1474 (2nd Emission - Coinage Act of 27 October 1474). The last briquet was struck under Philip the Handsome (6th Emission - Coinage Act of 16 March 1492). The name briquet refers to the fire steel or flint which was chosen by Philip the Good as a personal emblem. The flint was such a favourite Burgundian symbol that it has been used on many coins struck by the successors of Philip the Good, and was used in the chain of the Order of the Golden Fleece.
A single briquet was introduced with a value of one stuiver, other issues were a double and half briquet.
Usage examples of "briquet".
The testing of another portion of the same coal in a briquette machine at different pressures and with different percentages and kinds of binder, in order to determine the feasibility of briquetting the slack or fine coal.
On the left were the spirits of generations past who had showed up too early to enjoy the benefits of nanotechnology and (not explicitly shown, but somewhat ghoulishly implied) croaked from obsolete causes such as cancer, scurvy, boiler explosions, derailments, drive-by shootings, pogroms, blitzkriegs, mine shaft collapses, ethnic cleansing, meltdowns, running with scissors, eating Drano, heating a cold house with charcoal briquets, and being gored by oxen.
General Calvet had ordered it thus, but Captain Briquets fear, for he was a man who thirsted for glory, was that the larger attack would pierce the fortress before his Forlorn Hope could rush the stone dam.
A Marine tripped over Captain Briquets body and a French bayonet lunged into his back.
The survivors of Briquets force told stories of blades and blood, of faces screaming hatred, of a Rifleman swinging an axe, of a cannon blasting men into bloody scraps on the ramp, of soldiers gouging and cutting and dying.
It would be best to choose one of the better ones, one with patches of colored plastic briquets and polarized glass in the windows.
The polaroid in his windows was the consequence of his logarithms and the tinted briquets advertised his long division.
Merced a este briquet, si usted me pasa el galicismo —añadió Bonfanti, esgrimiento con exultación el considerable artefacto—, hice en la chimenea de mi dormitorio-bufete una resoluta pira postal.
A man appeared above him, startled, but a musket shot from below dissolved the mans face in blood and Briquet, spattered by the gore, spat as his head cleared the embrasures lip.