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Usage examples of "breakbone".

She had been widowed by the breakbone fever last fall and moved back home in the spring.

He had blamed the breakbone fever for his shattered memories, but what if his illness was not the cause?

Karystos was stricken with the breakbone fever, and all aboard fell ill.

His wits had been damaged by the breakbone fever, but he still wanted to serve, and that simple task was well within his capabilities.

He had given the matter much thought, and the strangeness that had come upon him had appeared after the breakbone fever that had nearly killed him.

But the breakbone fever that had nearly cost him his life had robbed him of something almost equally precious.

Xiyun Mountstrider, from Yanjing, died of breakbone fever in the third year.

After caring for the other heartworm-infested dogs, I soon became very sick myself, contracting dengue fever, also called breakbone fever.

Malaria, elephantiasis, and the breakbone fever came north to Greenland.