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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ I suppose it's really just like factory work - just as boring.
▪ She was almost as boring as George.
▪ No-Eyes, bored and truculent, saw the very same things but saw them as boring and limited.
▪ They are as boring as a civil servants' convention, but for armagnac, they are ideal.
▪ In this secondary category falls financial control - seen by many as boring, bureaucratic and uncreative.
▪ But it is highly unlikely that Bertrand found the trip as boring as his song implies.
▪ After all, the only thing more boring than being dull is being dull and right.
▪ It seemed to her that the world could not possibly contain a more boring room.
▪ I can think of very little more boring than lying on the floor and doing sit-ups and leg lifts every morning.
▪ All they would talk about would be the even more boring Sir Ralph Grunte and the plot to de-select him.
▪ There was nothing more boring than flogging around, looking for something like a bike without lights.
▪ That's fun - nothing is more boring than playing to a metronome.
▪ As the traffic thickened towards the rush hour it got easier, but more boring, to stay fairly close behind him.
▪ Unfairly, Redditch has been described as the most boring town in Britain, which produces the most boring postcards.
▪ But paperwork is the most boring part of the work of the section police.
▪ Without glamour, diversity, wit and experiment, disco can deteriorate into the most boring music of all time.
▪ We may have the world's most boring aliens, but we do have corn circles, something no one else has got.
▪ Another advantage is that self development is capable of converting even the most boring situation into a learning opportunity.
▪ Everybody said he was the most boring golfer in the world but he was a golfing businessman.
▪ Facing the Tories in what is a most boring and infantile election campaign is an emasculated and barely recognisable Labour party.
▪ For most people such details might be rather boring, but Robertson makes the narrative come alive through the personalities.
▪ I think that's rather boring.
▪ After a couple of halfhearted bucks he settled and found the whole thing rather boring.
▪ The past two decades of database development have been rather boring.
▪ These are people who believe that everybody has something to say, and who find the idea of consensus rather boring.
▪ The stuff was either rubbish, or twee, or so boring it made you want to puke.
▪ It was read with awe by generations of students who wondered how he succeeded in making such an interesting topic so boring.
▪ Was that why she found the men in her life all so boring?
▪ For the life of me I can't remember what courses I took - it was so boring.
▪ Line-learning is so boring when you're dead.
▪ Basil never talks when he's painting, and it's so boring.
▪ There was nothing so boring, she thought, as some one who was continually bewailing her lot.
▪ You know, old posters on the wall, signed photographs and so on. Too boring, really.
▪ He found sweeping the floor too boring and manoeuvred himself into a role making electrical control panels.
Too perfect, and far too boring.
▪ When the Maggot became too boring about football I told him cricketing stories until he shut up.
▪ The trouble with most biographies and press releases is that they are boring - very, very boring indeed.
▪ Florianópolis is really very boring, you know.
▪ In comparison, my attempt at a letter to the programme desk is very boring.
▪ The straight kind was very boring and stayed in batteries.
▪ I found it all very boring, especially when I got older, but kept my thoughts to myself.
▪ Media and television attention to the half-dozen or so major clubs is now very boring.
▪ And they're getting very, very boring.
▪ You can be very boring, you know.
deadly serious/dull/boring etc
▪ And at a time which - surely it was obvious - was deadly serious.
▪ He's a deadly dull little man as far as I can see.
▪ He was deadly serious and I knew it.
▪ His companion chuckled at the jest, but Gravelet, whose stage name was Blondin, was deadly serious.
▪ It was now clear, however, that the position was becoming deadly serious.
▪ Suppose, for example, you regularly attend a weekly meeting which tends to be deadly dull.
▪ The noise level was high in both languages; all faces were deadly serious.
▪ The primary indicator is Attempts to be deadly serious invariably result in unintended comedy.
▪ a long boring lecture on economic planning
▪ He's so boring - all he ever talks about is football.
▪ He really is one of the most boring people I've ever met.
▪ I don't want some boring job in an office!
▪ It's so boring here. I wish we lived in L.A.
▪ Most people who see a baseball game for the first time think it's pretty boring.
▪ Pam's parents are nice, but they're very boring.
▪ The movie was boring.
▪ The professor was so boring, hardly anyone came to class.
▪ This is such a boring town - there's nothing to do in the evenings.
▪ What a boring way to spend an evening!
▪ Extremely boring job, we just sat there, and did nothing.
▪ He found sweeping the floor too boring and manoeuvred himself into a role making electrical control panels.
▪ However boring and horrible, she could cope with its drear familiarity.
▪ I haven't bothered to explain certain things because, if I had, black people would have found it boring.
▪ It was read with awe by generations of students who wondered how he succeeded in making such an interesting topic so boring.
▪ Many people doing boring or repetitive jobs deliberately introduce a certain amount of stress to make the routine more exciting.
▪ The street might be boring, the neighbourhood wasn't.
▪ They can also create boring, frustrating mechanical jobs.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bore \Bore\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bored; p. pr. & vb. n. Boring.] [OE. borien, AS. borian; akin to Icel. bora, Dan. bore, D. boren, OHG. por?n, G. bohren, L. forare, Gr. ? to plow, Zend bar. [root]9

  1. ] 1. To perforate or penetrate, as a solid body, by turning an auger, gimlet, drill, or other instrument; to make a round hole in or through; to pierce; as, to bore a plank.

    I'll believe as soon this whole earth may be bored.

  2. To form or enlarge by means of a boring instrument or apparatus; as, to bore a steam cylinder or a gun barrel; to bore a hole.

    Short but very powerful jaws, by means whereof the insect can bore, as with a centerbit, a cylindrical passage through the most solid wood.
    --T. W. Harris.

  3. To make (a passage) by laborious effort, as in boring; as, to bore one's way through a crowd; to force a narrow and difficult passage through. ``What bustling crowds I bored.''

  4. To weary by tedious iteration or by dullness; to tire; to trouble; to vex; to annoy; to pester.

    He bores me with some trick.

    Used to come and bore me at rare intervals.

  5. To befool; to trick. [Obs.]

    I am abused, betrayed; I am laughed at, scorned, Baffled and bored, it seems.
    --Beau. & Fl.


Boring \Bor"ing\, n.

  1. The act or process of one who, or that which, bores; as, the boring of cannon; the boring of piles and ship timbers by certain marine mollusks.

    One of the most important applications of boring is in the formation of artesian wells.

  2. A hole made by boring.

  3. pl. The chips or fragments made by boring.

    Boring bar, a revolving or stationary bar, carrying one or more cutting tools for dressing round holes.

    Boring tool (Metal Working), a cutting tool placed in a cutter head to dress round holes.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-15c., "action of piercing," from bore (v.). From 1853 in reference to animals that bore; 1840 in the sense "wearying, causing ennui."

  1. Causing boredom. n. 1 A pit or hole which has been bore#Verbd. 2 Fragments thrown up when something is bored or drilled. v

  2. (present participle of bore English)


adj. so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness; "a boring evening with uninteresting people"; "the deadening effect of some routine tasks"; "a dull play"; "his competent but dull performance"; "a ho-hum speaker who couldn't capture their attention"; "what an irksome task the writing of long letters is"- Edmund Burke; "tedious days on the train"; "the tiresome chirping of a cricket"- Mark Twain; "other people's dreams are dreadfully wearisome" [syn: deadening, dull, ho-hum, irksome, slow, tedious, tiresome, wearisome]

  1. n. the act of drilling [syn: drilling]

  2. the act of drilling a hole in the earth in the hope of producing petroleum [syn: drilling, oil production]

Boring (disambiguation)

Boring often refers to anything that causes a state in an individual without anything in particular to do, and not interested in their surroundings.

Boring may also refer to:

Making holes
  • Boring (earth), the drilling of holes or tunnels in the earth
    • Tunnel boring machine (TBM) machine used in boring tunnels or shafts
    • Microtunnel boring machine (MTBM), machine used in boring small tunnels or shafts
  • Boring (manufacturing), a specific type of hole drilling in manufactured products
  • Earth-boring dung beetle, a family of beetles that excavate burrows in which to lay their eggs
  • An excavation made by an organism in a hard substrate through the process of bioerosion
  • Boring, Maryland, United States
  • Boring, Oregon, United States
    • Boring Lava Field
  • Boring, Tennessee

In arts and entertainment:

  • "Boring" (The Young Ones), an episode of The Young Ones
  • David Boring, the title character of Daniel Clowes's graphic novel of the same name
  • "Boring (It's Too Late)", a song by Medina from Forever
People with the surname Boring
  • Boring (surname)
Boring (surname)

Boring is a surname. Notable people with that surname include:

  • Edwin G. Boring (18861968), American experimental psychologist
  • Floyd Boring (19152008), American Secret Service agent
  • Mel Boring (AKA Melvin Lyle Boring, born 1939), American children's author, father of Jeremy Boring Davies
  • Wayne Boring (190587), American comic book artist best known for his work on Superman in the 1940s and 1950s
  • William A. Boring (18591937), American architect who co-designed the Immigration Station at Ellis Island in New York harbor
Boring (The Young Ones)

Boring was the third episode of The Young Ones, a British sitcom. It was written by Ben Elton, Rik Mayall, and Lise Mayer, and directed by Paul Jackson. It was first aired on BBC2 on 23 November 1982.

This episode is rarely repeated on television because of its racial content, including two uses of "coon", one use of " sambo", and one use of " nigger". All three words are spoken in a scene by a Caucasian policeman in sunglasses unaware that his interlocutor is white until he removes them, satirising the severe racial issues that affected the police at this time. When it is shown on television, it is edited to remove these references.

Boring (manufacturing)

In machining, boring is the process of enlarging a hole that has already been drilled (or cast), by means of a single-point cutting tool (or of a boring head containing several such tools), for example as in boring a gun barrel or an engine cylinder. Boring is used to achieve greater accuracy of the diameter of a hole, and can be used to cut a tapered hole. Boring can be viewed as the internal-diameter counterpart to turning, which cuts external diameters.

There are various types of boring. The boring bar may be supported on both ends (which only works if the existing hole is a through hole), or it may be supported at one end (which works for both through holes and blind holes). Lineboring (line boring, line-boring) implies the former. Backboring (back boring, back-boring) is the process of reaching through an existing hole and then boring on the "back" side of the workpiece (relative to the machine headstock).

Because of the limitations on tooling design imposed by the fact that the workpiece mostly surrounds the tool, boring is inherently somewhat more challenging than turning, in terms of decreased toolholding rigidity, increased clearance angle requirements (limiting the amount of support that can be given to the cutting edge), and difficulty of inspection of the resulting surface (size, form, surface roughness). These are the reasons why boring is viewed as an area of machining practice in its own right, separate from turning, with its own tips, tricks, challenges, and body of expertise, despite the fact that they are in some ways identical.

The first boring machine tool was invented by John Wilkinson in 1775.

Boring and turning have abrasive counterparts in internal and external cylindrical grinding. Each process is chosen based on the requirements and parameter values of a particular application.

Boring (earth)

Boring is drilling a hole, tunnel, or well in the earth. Boring is used for a various applications in geology, agriculture, hydrology, civil engineering, and mineral exploration. Today, most earth drilling serves one of the following purposes:

  • return samples of the soil and/or rock through which the drill passes
  • access rocks from which material can be extracted
  • access rocks which can then be measured
  • provide access to rock for purposes of providing engineering support

Unlike drilling in other materials where the aim is to create a hole for some purpose, often the case of drilling or coring is to get an understanding of the ground/lithology. This may be done for prospecting to identify and quantify an ore body for mining, or to determining the type of foundations needed for a building or raised structure, or for underground structures, including tunnels and deep basements where an understanding of the ground is vital to determining how to excavate and the support philosophy. Drilling is also used in vertical and inclined shaft construction.

Usage examples of "boring".

The drill might probe lower and lower, boring steadily nearer to the dome of the anticline, but in all our minds was that sense of being trapped, of not being able to get out.

Dismissing these, she returned her attention begrudgingly to the boring passages Ivan had lauded.

It was embarrassing at times and always boring, but her view was that casual racism, sexism and homophobia always had to be confronted.

It was boring and routine work, but Lo Manto turned the weakness of the beat into a future strength.

He pushed the revs up and up, hurrying the car to eighty then to ninety, his huge Marchal headlights boring a safe white tunnel, nearly half a mile long, between the walls of the night.

The panzer is into Johnson County before Cowboy detects a radar boring toward him from the east, low enough to be attached to an aircraft.

Fay said petulantly, watching the eternally boring landscape of Oklahoma rolling by.

As for his passion, I have a melancholy suspicion that I share it with his cook: he was boring on for ever tonight about a way of serving teal with poivrade sauce!

But the charade would probably fool most context-sensitive monitoring devices or agency flacks drafted to listen to the predictably boring conversations of a bus driver like herself.

Shaiaasu and his ships had just spent a thoroughly boring month resurveying Shanak.

I now knew more about Ned Sanderman than I did about some of my own relatives, the primary fact being that he was boring.

After Sarge left, we set about the boring task of getting our dorm ready: mopping, dusting, cleaning ourselves and our environment.

Basilica itself, but his senses, he knows, can no longer be trusted, for he also seems to hear the murderous cries of squealing assassins, angels fluttering and making rude windy noises overhead, and a little whistlmg sound inside his skull as though something might be boring away in there, and the blur before his eyes is throbbing as though his pulse were beating on him from without.

There was a little mining in the area, so there was always a smattering of miners in town buying supplies, getting cleaned up from several months out on their claims, or just raising a little hell before they went back to the supremely boring task of trying to wrest a little wealth from the bowels of stingy Mother Earth.

He got Jock to give a brief explanation of thermic cutting and boring, then himself explained about the security precautions and the closed-circuit camera scanning the strong-room.