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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Boreal \Bo"re*al\, a. [L. borealis: cf. F. bor['e]al. See Boreas.]

  1. Northern; pertaining to the north, or to the north wind; as, a boreal bird; a boreal blast.

    So from their own clear north in radiant streams, Bright over Europe bursts the boreal morn.

  2. (Biogeography) Designating or pertaining to a terrestrial division consisting of the northern and mountainous parts of both the Old and the New World; -- equivalent to the Holarctic region exclusive of the Transition, Sonoran, and corresponding areas. The term is used by American authors and applied by them chiefly to the Nearctic subregion. The Boreal region includes approximately all of North and Central America in which the mean temperature of the hottest season does not exceed 18[deg] C. (= 64.4[deg] F.). Its subdivisions are the Arctic zone and

    Boreal zone, the latter including the area between the Arctic and Transition zones. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] ||

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"northern," late 15c., from Latin borealis, from boreas "north wind," from Greek Boreas, name of the god of the north wind, which is of unknown origin, perhaps related to words in Balto-Slavic for "mountain" and "forest."


a. Of, relating to, or coming from the north.

  1. adj. relating to or marked by qualities associated with the north wind

  2. toward or located in the north; "the boreal signs of the Zodiac"

  3. comprising or throughout far northern regions [syn: circumboreal]


Boréal is an annual French-language science fiction and fantasy convention in Canada, held in a number of different cities since its founding in 1979, though all of them, save Ottawa in 1989, were located in the province of Quebec. Major events of the convention include the panel discussions, the Guest of Honour presentations, the dealer's room, and the awards ceremony. Other events on the convention program typically include a writing contest, readings and videos, as well as book, magazine, and fanzine launches.

Boreal (age)

In paleoclimatology of the Holocene, the Boreal was the first of the Blytt-Sernander sequence of north European climatic phases that were originally based on the study of Danish peat bogs, named for Axel Blytt and Rutger Sernander, who first established the sequence. In peat bog sediments, the Boreal is also recognized by its characteristic pollen zone. It was preceded by the Younger Dryas, the last cold snap of the Pleistocene, and followed by the Atlantic, a warmer and moister period than our most recent climate. The Boreal, transitional between the two periods, varied a great deal, at times comprising within it climates like today's.

Boreal (horse)

Boreal (foaled 19 April 1998) is a German Thoroughbred racehorse and sire. In a racing career which lasted from March 2001 until March 2003 he ran fourteen times in four different countries and won three races, two of them at Group One level. Unraced as a two-year-old, he won only one minor race in his first four starts before winning the Deutsches Derby. In the following year he was campaigned internationally and became the first German-trained horse in 27 years to record a Group One victory in the United Kingdom when he won the Coronation Cup. Apart from his successes he was placed in several major races including the Credit Suisse Pokal, Grosser Preis von Baden and Dubai Sheema Classic. He was retired from racing to become a breeding stallion but had very little success as a sire of winners.

Usage examples of "boreal".

Beneath it the city dropped away in walls, roofs, archaistic chimneys and lamplit streets, goblin lights of human-piloted vehicles, to the harbor, the sweep of Venture Bay, ships bound to and from the Sunward Islands and remoter regions of the Boreal Ocean, which glimmered like mercury in the afterglow of Charlemagne.

Farder Coram, it were like everything we did, they knew about before we did it, and for all we know Frans and Tom were swallowed alive as soon as they got near Lord Boreal.

This spread swampy lagoons and salt water far into Central Asia and northward to the iceless Boreal Ocean.

Natasha saw the land of her doom, the ancient homeland of the Markovites, boreal hills that sheltered her people until they were brave enough to come down onto the plains, driving off the Kazaks and Kipchaks, then pushing back the Poles and Balts, claiming the rich black earth as their own.

Wayfarer could even recall the geological past, back beyond the epoch when Arctica broke free and drifted north, ramming into land already present and thrusting the Boreals heavenward.

This tilted boarding against which I'm leaning as I catch my breath was perhaps once a cargo pallet, lashed to the heaving deck of some steamer on the Boreal Seas.

Apart from the boreal desolation and drearness, however, there was nothing to dismay Quanga or his companions.

He had immediately received an expostulatory dispatch from headquarters which henceforth shut his mouth—but he had told the simple truth, and how embarrassing that was became evident when, on the very table around which the savants were now assembled, three dispatches were laid in quick succession from the great observatories of Mount Hekla, Iceland, the North Cape, and Kamchatka, all corroborating the statement of the Mount McKinley observer, that an inexplicable veiling of faint stars had manifested itself in the boreal quarter of the sky.

There were the twin monitors on his desk, assorted homey holos and flatscape representations on the walls, a box of spherical drive files on the floor in one corner, and a back wall vid of boreal forest dominated by an energetic, flowing stream that smelled of humus and damp morning.

There were the twin monitors on his desk, assorted homey holos and flatscape representations on the walls, a box of spherical drive files on the floor in one corner, and a back wall vid of boreal forest domi­nated by an energetic, flowing stream that smelled of hu­mus and damp morning.

Benjamin said him and Gerard Hook should break into the Ministry and Frans Broekman and Tom Mendham should go and find out about Lord Boreal.

Shy roe deer traveled through ###riverine### woodlands and boreal forests in small parties - to spring and summer feeding grounds, along with unsociable moose who also frequented the bogs and melt lakes of the steppes.