Boo! is a children's television series shown in the United Kingdom on the CBeebies channel, and originally on BBC Two, and produced by Universal Studios. It features several cartoon characters who play a game similar to hide and seek in a variety of settings. The commentary is performed by an adult narrator and a chorus of children. The series was produced by the independent production company Tell-Tale Productions, which was also responsible for Tweenies. From 2007 to 2012, reruns of the show were broadcast in the USA on Qubo.
The series ran for a total of 104 episodes and one Christmas special and was nominated for a BAFTA in 2002-03.
At the end of the programme a song is sung, usually about matching characters or objects to their shapes or colours.
The visual style of Boo! is very distinctive, using 3D CGI with rounded shapes and cel-shading. The music and songs are generally in an early-70s funk/R&B idiom.
Boo! is a 1932 American Pre-Code comedy short film by Universal Pictures, directed and written by Albert DeMond. Boo! contains clips of famous horror films, such as The Cat Creeps (1930), Frankenstein (1931) and Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922) and mocks them thoroughly.
Even though this short was produced by Universal Studios, the makers decided not to use footage from the company's own version of Dracula, but instead to use footage from the German expressionist film Nosferatu directed by F. W. Murnau. The only surviving footage of The Cat Creeps -- otherwise considered a lost film -- are the clips included in Boo!
Boo! are a South African band. They describe their music as "Monki Punk". Originally Boo! consisted of three members; the cross-dressing "Miss" Chris Chameleon on bass guitar and lead vocals, Leon Retief on drums and Ampie Omo, filled in the rest of the sounds on trumpet, trombone, keyboard and percussion instruments. All music and lyrics were composed by Chris Chameleon.
The band disbanded in 2004, but reformed in February 2010.
Boo! is the fifth studio album by the band Was (Not Was). It was their first new album since 1990. The cover illustration was by David Was.