The Collaborative International Dictionary
bleary-eyed \bleary-eyed\ adj. having eyes sore or unfocused, due to weariness or excessive drinking; same as blear-eyed[1].
Syn: blear, bleary.
2. same as teary. [R.]
a. tired, because of lack of sleep, and having blurred or reddened eyes.
adj. tired to the point of exhaustion [syn: bleary, blear, blear-eyed]
Usage examples of "bleary-eyed".
Feathers and paint identified the Picts as the chiefs of the Turtles, Hawks, Wildcats, and Wolves, all of them yawning and bleary-eyed from their nightlong session.
They parked up in the Rue Sherif and aTaureg foreman in a striped jellaba walked round to the back where he hammered on the door until Raf appeared, bleary-eyed and squinting.
Downtown was doing its usual split-personality routine: Fasttalking, fast-walking Power Dressers, Wannabee Tycoons, and stifflipped secretaries sharing turf with bleary-eyed, filth-encrusted human shells transporting their life stories in purloined shopping carts and verminous bedrolls.
One-eyed alligators and bleary-eyed partiers probably ought not to commingle, but through the years El Presidente and her fond admirers had no problems.
The barkeepers, bleary-eyed, casually threw unconscious drunks into the limestone gutters.
Sleeping bags wriggle like chrysalises as bleary-eyed occupants try to focus on the intruders.
The agreeable one was a bleary-eyed thirtyish deputy named Jesse Corn.
The picture shows a rising young movie idol in bed, pajama-ed and bleary-eyed, while an equally blowzy young woman looks startled beside him.
She ran down the helical gauntlet of plaster cherubs, muses, and Trojans, across the lobby where a couple of bleary-eyed apprentice ractors were cleaning up the debris from this evening's live performance, and out the front doors.
At first she'd envied them their alternative lifestyles but after she got to thinking about it- how they were always bleary-eyed or hung over and seemed dazed, smelled like they hadn't brushed their teeth-she decided aimlessness like that depressed her.
A little poking among the controls, and a short delay while one of Roic's library of override codes pacified the lockdowns, and Miles was able to bring up a duplicate file of the sort of airlock security records they'd found in Solian's office and spent so many bleary-eyed hours studying.
The black-bearded magicker had strolled into the Long Room, bowed once, then approached the bleary-eyed noble.
That same morning, as all the experts and high officials of the secret police shook their heads, bleary-eyed after a sleepless night, the constructors asked for quartz, vanadium, steel, copper, platinum, rhinestones, dysprosium, yttrium and thulium, also cerium and germanium, and most of the other elements that make up the Universe, plus a variety of machines and qualified technicians, not to mention a wide as sortment of spies--for so insolent had the constructors become, that on the triplicate requisition form they boldly wrote: "Also, kindly send agents of various cuts and stripes at the discretion and with the approval of the Proper Authorities.
Now he was on Tybee Island, according to the signs he'd been nearly too bleary-eyed to read by the time he finally hit the coast.
Kara was bleary-eyed, freshly woken and unrested by his tormented sleep.