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The Collaborative International Dictionary
black fox

Silver \Sil"ver\, a.

  1. Of or pertaining to silver; made of silver; as, silver leaf; a silver cup.

  2. Resembling silver. Specifically:

    1. Bright; resplendent; white. ``Silver hair.''

      Others, on silver lakes and rivers, bathed Their downy breast.

    2. Precious; costly.

    3. Giving a clear, ringing sound soft and clear. ``Silver voices.''

    4. Sweet; gentle; peaceful. ``Silver slumber.'' --Spenser. American silver fir (Bot.), the balsam fir. See under Balsam. Silver age (Roman Lit.), the latter part (a. d. 14-180) of the classical period of Latinity, -- the time of writers of inferior purity of language, as compared with those of the previous golden age, so-called. Silver-bell tree (Bot.), an American shrub or small tree ( Halesia tetraptera) with white bell-shaped flowers in clusters or racemes; the snowdrop tree. Silver bush (Bot.), a shrubby leguminous plant ( Anthyllis Barba-Jovis) of Southern Europe, having silvery foliage. Silver chub (Zo["o]l.), the fallfish. Silver eel. (Zo["o]l.)

      1. The cutlass fish.

      2. A pale variety of the common eel. Silver fir (Bot.), a coniferous tree ( Abies pectinata) found in mountainous districts in the middle and south of Europe, where it often grows to the height of 100 or 150 feet. It yields Burgundy pitch and Strasburg turpentine. Silver foil, foil made of silver. Silver fox (Zo["o]l.), a variety of the common fox ( Vulpes vulpes, variety argenteus) found in the northern parts of Asia, Europe, and America. Its fur is nearly black, with silvery tips, and is highly valued. Called also black fox, and silver-gray fox. Silver gar. (Zo["o]l.) See Billfish

        1. .

          Silver grain (Bot.), the lines or narrow plates of cellular tissue which pass from the pith to the bark of an exogenous stem; the medullary rays. In the wood of the oak they are much larger than in that of the beech, maple, pine, cherry, etc.

          Silver grebe (Zo["o]l.), the red-throated diver. See Illust. under Diver.

          Silver hake (Zo["o]l.), the American whiting.

          Silver leaf, leaves or sheets made of silver beaten very thin.

          Silver lunge (Zo["o]l.), the namaycush.

          Silver moonfish.(Zo["o]l.) See Moonfish

        2. .

          Silver moth (Zo["o]l.), a lepisma.

          Silver owl (Zo["o]l.), the barn owl.

          Silver perch (Zo["o]l.), the mademoiselle, 2.

          Silver pheasant (Zo["o]l.), any one of several species of beautiful crested and long-tailed Asiatic pheasants, of the genus Euplocamus. They have the tail and more or less of the upper parts silvery white. The most common species ( E. nychtemerus) is native of China.

          Silver plate, domestic utensils made of silver.

          Silver steel, an alloy of steel with a very small proportion of silver.

          Silver stick, a title given to the title field officer of the Life Guards when on duty at the palace. [Eng.]

          Silver tree (Bot.), a South African tree ( Leucadendron argenteum) with long, silvery, silky leaves.

          Silver trout, (Zo["o]l.) See Trout.

          Silver wedding. See under Wedding.

          Silver whiting (Zo["o]l.), a marine sci[ae]noid food fish ( Menticirrus littoralis) native of the Southern United States; -- called also surf whiting.

          Silver witch (Zo["o]l.), A lepisma.

black fox

n. red fox in the color phase when its pelt is mostly black

Black Fox (Cherokee chief)

Black Fox (c. 1746-1811) (also known as Enoli, Inali) was a Cherokee leader during the Cherokee–American wars. He was a signatory of the Holston Treaty, and later became a Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation.

Black Fox (comics)

Black Fox is a code name used by two unrelated fictional characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.

Black Fox

Black Fox may refer to:

  • Black fox, a fox which has a black coat
  • Black Fox Nuclear Power Plant, a nuclear power plant proposed by the Public Service Company of Oklahoma in 1973
  • Black Fox (Cherokee chief), the leading chief of the Cherokee from 1801 to his death in 1811
  • Black Fox (comics), the code name of two unrelated fictional characters in Marvel Comics
  • Black Fox: The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler, a 1962 documentary film
  • The Black Fox, a fictional Robin Hood-esque character from the movie The Court Jester, played by Edward Ashley
  • Member of the weasel family: Fisher (animal)
Black Fox (disambiguation)

Usage examples of "black fox".

You'll have to have a new riding habittrimmed with black fox, no matter what His Lordship saysand you'll need a proper lady's filly, not that old cob Master Haysticks lets you ride around the quad.