adj. capable of division into symmetrical halves by only one longitudinal plane passing through the axis [syn: zygomorphic, zygomorphous] [ant: actinomorphic]
having identical parts on each side of an axis [syn: bilateral, isobilateral, bilaterally symmetric]
Usage examples of "bilaterally symmetrical".
He dreamed that the song and the language were one with a mathematical vision no bilaterally symmetrical brain could ever share.
That is, although the chick brain, like the mammalian brain, is bilaterally symmetrical, being composed of two apparently identical hemispheres, the effects of training are asymmetric - when it comes to learning, chicks are left-hemisphere creatures.
The way it's been explained to me, a bilaterally symmetrical vertebrateā.
His face was all planes and angles, bilaterally symmetrical, and without expression.
All three groups were soft-skinned, bilaterally symmetrical upright bipeds.
Xenobiological dogma, confirmed across almost five centuries of interstellar exploration, held that the evolutionary logic of tool-using mandated a bilaterally symmetrical form, bipedal or - in rare cases - centauroid.
Xenobiological dogma, confirmed across almost five centuries of interstellar exploration, held that the evolutionary logic of tool-using mandated a bilaterally symmetrical form, bipedal or -- in rare cases -- centauroid.
Xenobiological dogma, confirmed across almost five centuries of interstellar exploration, held that the evolutionary logic of tool-using mandated a bilaterally symmetrical form, bipedal or-in rare cases-centauroid.
And, like an octopus, squid have a round circle of tentacles, but squid're bilaterally symmetrical, with a matching left and right side, the way we have.
It is difficult to see how a human being can have a sense of the whole at any level below the fourth, yet workers ifi the library have surprisingly uniform reactions to various levels Those with a strong sense of direction respond comfortably to symmetrical levels such as 5 and 9, their discomfort increases (though not greatly) in the asymmetrical trefoil levels of 4 and 7 But most unexpected was the reaction to level 6, that level is unique in that it is bilaterally symmetrical along the norm-south axis, but asymmetrical along the east west axis Workers on the level unconsciously align their desks to face either north or south When this was noticed, certain psychological tests were conducted In one, half of the carrels brought into the central room were arranged facing north or south, and half facing east or west Workers invariably chose die north-south desks When all the desks in the room were bolted to the floor facing east or west, subjects would begin their tasks at the .
This body was bilaterally symmetrical, instead of trilaterally, and it made a difference.
The way it's been explained to me, a bilaterally symmetrical vertebrateĀ.
Not a hundred meters away, hewing the hard fields and hauling up root crops, was a work force of bipedal, bilaterally symmetrical beings, heterogeneous with regard to sex, apparently mammalian in character, with superior cranial development.
Radially and bilaterally symmetrical, with eight long limbs, each with eight digits.