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adv. In a bilateral manner


adv. in a bilateral manner; "they worked out an agreement bilaterally" [ant: unilaterally]

Usage examples of "bilaterally".

If a bilaterally symmetric creature, by reason of its very shape and structure, adopts one preferred direction of movement, then one end of its body is generally breaking new ground as it moves.

In consequence, the two ends of the bilaterally symmetric creature are in general different, and living creatures of this type have distinct heads and tails.

If a bilaterally symmetric creature were equal-ended, the nerve cords would, understandably enough, be expected to be equal-ended as well.

They figured that any other intelligent life in the universe ought to be bilaterally symmetrical humanoids like us, except for having funny ears.

Some of the xenos have been openly disappointed, because I think they believed the tri-dee movies that say all sentient alien life is going to be bilaterally symmetrical humanoids with lobsters on their foreheads.

He dreamed that the song and the language were one with a mathematical vision no bilaterally symmetrical brain could ever share.

That is, although the chick brain, like the mammalian brain, is bilaterally symmetrical, being composed of two apparently identical hemispheres, the effects of training are asymmetric - when it comes to learning, chicks are left-hemisphere creatures.

The distant ancestors of the Krulirim were suddenly in a fight for survival with the offspring of a different path: bilaterally symmetric creatures.

The original animal life on Mote Prime is bilaterally symmetric, as on Earth and nearly everywhere.

In its basic structure, it conformed to the general, bilaterally symmetric, triple-paired limb pattern of the Jevlenese animal classification corresponding roughly to terrestrial vertebrates.

The blue dot grew as it approached until they could make out five uneven appendages, bilaterally symmetric.

In its basic structure, it conformed to the general, bilaterally symmetric, triple-paired limb pattern of the Jevlenese animal classification correĀ­.

Whatever it was, it was about the size of a man, bilaterally symmetric and motionless, dusty gray-green with touches of pastel flesh-pink.

The pictures had shown bipeds seven to eight feet tall, bilaterally symmetric, possessed of internal skeletal framework, distinct heads, lens-and-camera eyes.

Pendergast, believe the Transvaal Shales represent a dead end of evolution: life experimenting with every conceivable form before settling down to the bilaterally symmetric form you see today.