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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bibliographic \Bib`li*o*graph"ic\, Bibliographical \Bib`li*o*graph"ic*al\, a. [Cf. F. bibliographique.] Pertaining to bibliography, or the history of books. -- Bib`li*o*graph"ic*al*ly, adv.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1670s; see bibliography + -ical.


a. bibliographic


adj. relating to or dealing with bibliography [syn: bibliographic]

Usage examples of "bibliographical".

These now were rare books, early editions, and bibliographical curiosities in which the Archdeacon took a definite and even specialized interest.

On referring to the great encyclopaedical and bibliographical dictionary, edited by Fluegel, it will be found, under No.

Perhaps I may hereafter give you a talk abut books, but while I am saying a few passing words upon the subject the greatest bibliographical event that ever happened in the book-market of the New World is taking place under our eyes.

In the small selection given below, one bibliographical work is included, while several of the titles contain fairly detailed bibliographies.

Quentin read like a scholar, religiously looking up every bibliographical reference and reading each footnote.